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Q: How do you remove petroleum jelly from concrete?
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What does petroleum make?

petroleum jelly, oil, and gasoline are some

How can you make petroleum gauze?

Take any sterile gauze, and apply any type of unscented petroleum jelly to it. Only really safe to use on wounds if the jelly is clean and the gauze is sterile.

Petroleum Engineer?

Petroleum engineering is the engineering specialty that is focused on locating and extracting sources of petroleum. These engineers often work with specialists such as geologists and hydrologists to determine the best, most cost effective method to remove petroleum sources from the earth. The chief responsibility of a petroleum engineer is to select and supervise the method by which petroleum sources are to be extracted. However, the job is not nearly that simple, there are several factors that impact the engineer’s decisions. The first factor that petroleum engineers consider when drilling is the depth at which the reservoir is located as different drilling methods are to be used at varying depths. From there, the engineer must test the reservoir to determine its size and level of connectivity. In some cases it is possible to remove petroleum from multiple reservoirs through complex drilling and a process known as fracturing. The last, and often most important, decision made by a petroleum engineers involves the pressure and other environmental factors that allow petroleum to naturally flow to the surface of a well. Petroleum engineers have employed a variety of methods to remove as much petroleum as possible from a well; examples would be injecting steam and water into the reservoir. The minimum requirements to become a Petroleum Engineer are to earn a bachelor’s degree in petroleum engineering; however, it is very possible to cross over from another engineering specialty such as chemical or mechanical engineering. It is a very good idea for students interested in petroleum engineering to secure an internship during college to gain highly valuable work experience. Graduate degrees are necessary for many research and development positions. The employment opportunities in petroleum engineering are expected to be very good. There is to be an 18% growth over the next decade according to ; in addition, there are too few graduates with degrees in petroleum engineering to fill the positions. Petroleum engineers are the most highly paid of the engineering specialties; starting salaries for a petroleum engineer are typically around $83,000, one of the highest for any bachelor’s level program. On average, workers in the field earn from $100,000 to $110,000.

What is an England petroleum company?

BP - British Petroleum

Are there any petroleum products in paint or ink?

yes there is petroleum in both