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Q: How do you reset ac blend door actuator?
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expantion valve. this vehical has two

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Bad "blend door" actuator or stuck blend door on the driver's side.

What would be wrong if heater and ac dont work and its not heater core?

First check the fuses then check your blower fan then check the blend door and blend door actuator and then the control panel

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the blend door actuator has a gear missing teeth an it can't finish the comand

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How do you get to the ac actuator door on a 98 Lincoln town car

Pontiac grand prix 1999 ac blows cold on passenger side and warm on drivers side.?

Temp blend door actuator malfunction.

If the rear AC on a 1997 Eddie Bauer Ford Expedition works but the front AC does not what could be the problem?

The problem is probably in the mixing door not operating properly. It could be in the control panel or the door itself. It just has to be checked out. GoodluckJoe----------------------------------------------------------------------; Blend Door Actuator

What is wrong if the AC on a 2003 is blowing air out the back but not out the front vents?

Without testing a guess would be a blend door or actuator or maybe a control problem

Your front ac doesn't blow cold air on your ford windstar1999 you changed the blend door actuator what could it be?

I have the opposite problem with my 99 Windstar - front vents will not go to heat, which is real fun in winter. I replace the blend door actuator to no avail, and was told the actual blend door was broken, which would require a replacement of the "heater box", for the low low price of $1200. I am currently looking for plan "B".