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Glycerol should not be a problem if you use food-grade equipment in your still. Do not use any used appliance or car parts for the condenser, as there is no reliable way to make sure all the anti-freeze is out.

Methanol has a lower boiling point then the ethanol/water azentrope, and will be the first liquid out of the still. It is unlikely to ever have a dangerous concentration of methanol in properly fermented MASH, but for safeties sake, dump the first 50-100mL per 10L of mash. This will get rid of most, if not all the methanol. When the distillate has a noticible tinge or smell, the ethanol has boiled off and you are now distilling fusil oils, which while are not particularly dangerous, will give your product a bad taste.

An option is to run the fusil oils through a second time in another batch to ensure the ethanol is out of them.

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Q: How do you run a distillation for glycerol and methanol?
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Can you distill methylated spirits in a reflux still to produce pure ethanol?

I was thinking about this too...Methanol has a BP of ~ 64*C, ethanol has a BP of ~ 78*CWhen you run a batch through a refulx still you disgard the head (as metho burns off first)Methylated spirit is only a about 5% methanol, so theres not much to remove anwyay, run it through twice and discard 2 heads if need be.Taste it to tell when its methanol or ethanol (only a drop, its harmless), methanol has a real tang, wheras ethanol just tastes warm.Hope this helpsAnother user answer:Technically yes you can if you have fine enough temperature control, and to be sure multi-distillation passes would be advised.There are usually more additives than just methanol you want to remove, you want to boil off te methanol first, making sure the temp is accurate, just a few degrees under ethanol boiling point would do - I would do this for a long time.Then you also need to distill the ethanol off alone, at under 79 degrees, Isopropyl Alcohol is another additive and its boiling point is 82.4c, there is another additive which is 79.2 which is butanone, though its not a health risk, you still need to technically remove it for a pure ethanol product.There's others but theyre outside either range and not hazzardous like methanol, usually foul flavours and stuff that promotes vomitting, and they should be removed via careful temperature distillation on either side.Even so, you shouldn't try to distill methylated spirits for human consumption, there are a few news reports of people trying this and dying."We present the case report of a 47-year-old man fatally poisoned by ingestion of a home-distilled liquor produced from 'methylated spirits' containing 5% methanol and 90% ethanol. Classical signs of severe methanol poisoning, including altered conscious state, shock and profound acidosis were manifest at the time of presentation. Despite an ethanol infusion and haemodialysis he was declared brain dead 36 h after arrival at the emergency department."

How many gallons in one ton of methanol?

how much methanol can I use in a gallon of gas to be safe

Triglycerides are molecules consisting of one 3-carbon compound called?

A glycerol molecule and three fatty acid molecules.

Why does adding glycerol and water lead to an increase in temperature?

The reaction of glycerol and water leads to the glycerol competing with the hydrogen bonds of water molecules. This disrupts the formation of ice crystals, depressing the freezing point of water.

What compound is more polar and soluble in water methane or methanol and why?

Acetonitrile is slightly more polar than methanol. This is due to the presence of the C-N triple bond in acetonitrile (CH3CN).

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Is zinc soluble in methanol?

Yes, Zinc is soluble in Methanol and Glycerol

Can you dehydrate glycerol by distillation?

No, glycerol cannot be dehydrated by distillation as it forms an azeotrope with water at certain compositions. Other methods, such as treatment with desiccants or molecular sieves, are usually employed to remove water from glycerol.

How do you separate a mixture of acetone and methanol?

You can separate a mixture of acetone and methanol through fractional distillation. Both compounds have different boiling points (acetone: 56°C, methanol: 65°C) allowing for separation based on their boiling points. By heating the mixture and collecting the vapors at their respective boiling points, you can separate acetone and methanol into individual fractions.

What is the mole fraction of glycerol in a solution which contain 90g of water and 6.4g of methanol and 18.4g of glycerol?

90 g water: 5 moles6,4 g methanol: 0,2 mol18,4 g glycerol; 0,2 molTotal number of moles: 5,4Mole fraction of glycerol: 0,2/5,4=0,037

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Methanol, charcoal, acetic acid, acetone, and wood tarSee also related link.

How can remove the ammonia from methanol?

Ammonia can be removed from methanol by distillation. The two compounds have different boiling points, allowing them to be separated by heating the mixture and collecting the ammonia first as it evaporates at a lower temperature.

How is ethanol separated from a fermented mixture?

Ethanol can be separated from a fermented mixture through a process called distillation. Distillation involves heating the mixture to vaporize the ethanol, which is then cooled and condensed back into liquid form. This allows for the separation of ethanol from other components in the mixture.

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To separate a mixture of methanol, ethyl acetate, and water, you can use a technique called fractional distillation. Each component has a different boiling point (methanol: 64.7°C, ethyl acetate: 77.1°C, water: 100°C), allowing them to be separated based on their boiling points. The mixture can be heated in a distillation setup, and as each component reaches its boiling point, it will vaporize and can be collected in separate containers.

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The lipid glycerol is soluble in both water and ether. Olive oil is soluble in ether, but not water. A solid lipid is insoluble in water, methanol, and ether.

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How is glycerol formed?

Glycerol is formed through the hydrolysis of fats and oils, releasing glycerol and fatty acids. This process typically involves treating fats with water or an alkaline solution to break down the ester bonds between the glycerol and fatty acids. Glycerol is then separated from the fatty acids through a process called distillation or extraction.

What is head heart and tail in distillation?

The point of distillation (of alcohol) is to separate the ethanol from the other undesired components. The distillation process takes advantage of the different volatilities. In the fermented mash are undesired substances more volatile than ethanol (e.g. methanol) which will distill out first. This is the Heads and is discarded. Once these more volatile compounds are eliminated you have the Heart of the run which is the quality product. Finally if you keep distilling you begin getting some undesirable lower volatility substances, oils and water, the Tails, which is also discarded by stopping the distillation run. The art of the experienced distiller is to know when to draw the lines between Head, Heart, and Tail. The more selective one is, the higher quality (but less quantity) of the produced distillate.