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"Someone" in Portuguese is translated as "alguém".

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The correct way to say Happy Birthday to someone who speaks European Portuguese is as follows. Say "Feliz aniversario." That means Happy Birthday in Portuguese.

What do you say when someone dies in portuguese?

Meus sentimentos, minhas condolências.

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In Brazilian Portuguese is "Deus te abençoe" If it is after someone sneezes, you say "Santinho." If it is just "God bless you", then it's "Deus te abençoe", both in European and Brazilian portuguese.

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The closest translation to "hey" in Brazilian Portuguese is "oi" or "oi, tudo bem?". It is a common informal greeting used to attract someone's attention or start a conversation.

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to say language in portuguese, you would say 'lingua'

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"Yes" in Portuguese is "sim".

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How do you say I will miss you in Portuguese?

In Brazil, the phrase "I will miss you" is "Eu vou sentir saudades de você." The Portuguese language has an unique word for that feeling of missing someone, wich is not common to other languages. The word is "saudade", the feeling that you get when you miss someone or something. When you say "I will miss you" in English we can translate directly to Portuguese by saying "vou sentir a tua falta" or you can use that word and say "vou ter saudades tuas".

How do i say i want you in portuguese?

To say "I want you" in Portuguese, you can say "Eu te quero."