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Q: How do you say colorful in German?
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Languages always have many colorful ways to swear. One way to say this in German would be "Leck mich."

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colorful in Filipino is MAKULAY just pronounce the LAY not in in English.

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the fish was colorful: the fish's color was very intrigueing.

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The genus, Zinnia.

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communauté colorée

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soy muy colorido

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How do you say "War" In german? Answer: "Krieg"

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To say body in German it is Körper

How Do you say practice in German?

Tranianieren is how you say practice in German.

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How do i say i have a brother and a sister in German ?

How do you say the shoes are colorful in spanish?

"Los zapatos son coloridos."

How do you say My eyes in German?

In order to say "My eyes" in German you say meine Augen