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Q: How do you say my glass is fuller than yours?
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Is fuller a word when it is used to say that glass there is fuller than that one?

The issue with the adjective "full" is that it already denotes an extreme state; such states cannot be made comparative or superlative in a normal sense. Other examples might include "perfect," "unique," etc.

When you say something do you say different from yours or different than yours?

The correct way is, "different from yours".

Is there a comeback to your mamma?

say try and come right in with ''is better than yours''

Will Skyrim be as boring as Oblivion?

They say the game world will be smaller and fuller than Oblivion. Hopefully there's a bit more variety.

What did Chuck Norris say to Hitler before he died?

"My mustache is better than yours, HO."

Is it correct to say a cold glass of water or a glass of cold water?

It depends If the water is cold and the temp of glass don;t matter than it is glass of cold water If the glass is cold and the temp of the water don't matter than it is cold glass of water People normally use glass of cold water

Why does it say Simon Fuller instead of Cowell at beginning of American Idol?

Simon Fuller who is a television producer created American Idol.

Is it correct to say yours and your family's?

It is not incorrect to say "yours and your family's", but it is custom (considered good manners) to place yourself last in a group spoken about, as "your family's and yours".

Is tempered glass weaker than conventional glass?

Yes. All things being equal tempered is heavier than annealed. I have no idea why, but I've worked with glass for 3 years and can say with certainty that it is heavier. I would estimate 25% heavier.

Is yours plural how to write it singular?

To make "yours" singular, you can say "your." For instance, instead of saying "Is yours the blue one?" you can say "Is your the blue one?"

How do you say 'yours' in Ypres?


How do you say yours in Tours?
