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5d ago

"Sarcastic" in French is translated as "sarcasme" or "sarcastique."

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How do you say hockey helmet in french?

look it up on a translator genius p.s. you are not actually a genius, i was being sarcastic

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Which country is the most sarcastic?

It is difficult to determine which country is the most sarcastic, as sarcasm is a form of humor present in many different cultures. However, countries known for their sharp wit and sarcasm in everyday interactions include the United States, United Kingdom, and Australia.

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What to say to a person who says you sarcastic?

Try to take it as a compliment, even if it wasn't intended as one. In a sarcastic joking voice say "Who? ME? Sarcastic?" or "Pshh nah. I've never been sarcastic in my life.." Whatever you do, don't act offended or try to defend yourself. Being sarcastic isn't necessarily a negative thing, as long as you truly respect others and are nice as well as sarcastic..

Why do boys say to you that you are ugly?

They are being sarcastic so they say the opposite of what is true.

What is a good sentence for sarcastic?

Please don't answer the questions sarcastically, no matter how inane they seem.

What do you say when someone says Thanks Captain Obvious?

You're welcome Sergant Sarcastic!

How do you say yeah right in German?

Yeah, right (sarcastic) is Ja, klar in German.

What do you say to someone if they say your mom would be cool but she spawned you something sarcastic and mean?

You either ignore them or say something bad about their mama.

Why do people say 'Thanks for no help'?

They are being sarcastic. If you didn't help them, they say "thanks for no help" to show that they noticed you didn't.

Why did Kyle on South Park say that the first Thanksgiving was a space treaty?

He was being sarcastic because history channel said that the first thanksgiving was accompanied by aliens so he said that if it was accompanied aliens why not say they were aliens. the whole point was he was being sarcastic.