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You either ignore them or say something bad about their mama.

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Q: What do you say to someone if they say your mom would be cool but she spawned you something sarcastic and mean?
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just ignore it! that's what I have always done. if someone came up to me and said something, I always came back with a sarcastic comment, smiled or just joked about it and it would get them angry so they stopped.

If someone says ok whatever should you take it they mean it in a nasty way?

yes that would be called sarcastic ---- -Depends on their tone of voice. Typically it is that they are being sarcastic. But sometimes they could be joking around. Depends on the context, and it should be obvious either way! ----

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What do you say if someone says your not cool or you are not one of the people in a group something sarcastic?

well...what i would personally do is just ignore them. don't talk to them go near them of make eye contact worked for me . Tt might take a long time but i was worth in to me.we are currently bffs!

What do you tell someone if they insult your mom something sarcastic?

You should say " Your mom's so fat that if she was a number she would be 7 because 7 8 9 " you see 7 ate 9 and 9 is a bigger number then 7 so she ate a bigger number! This is to say about their mom. ;)

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i have no idea, i hope someone who knows the answer will give me an answer, hey one of the supervisors, if you happen to read this, would you leave an answer because you say that sarcasm is not allowed

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