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According to my knowledge, you can't use usb internet for xbl

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Q: How do you set up Xbox live if your internet is usb internet?
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You could get a copy from the internet and put it on a USB stick and run it from there

Can you play Xbox 360 live on cricket internet?

no you cant i went there and the guy said its Microsoft no usb wirelexss internet servies work for the xbox 360 thanks bill gates y not

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Use a usb then move the profile to it the on the new xbox go to the usb and move to the system it will ask for the password use to set up the account

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You don't use a USB CABLE. You use an ethernet cable from the back of your computer and plug it in the back of your XBOX360 to have XBOX LIVE. :)

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xbox wont connect with any other hardware besides a computer and the xbox wireless usb so use the 3g wireless usb in a computer and then use an Ethernet cable from the xbox to the computer then use a video from youtube

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The Xbox 360 wireless adapter allows you to connect to a wireless router without plugging it in directly. You still need the wireless router, and the router must still be connected to the internet. So no. You cannot get free internet access through a two-inch usb device.

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i meant xbox 360 srry typos =0

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Does a usb Flash drives work on Xbox 360?

yes, if ur luckly you can get xbox live if you dont have it

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if it has a USB plug it should work on your computer and whatnot.(cause the xbox controllers plug it )

Can you play Xbox live with mobile broadband and Xbox?

You can connect to xbox live using a usb dongle reabo has a tutorial on it. Be warned though if you connect is slow you will lag while playing

Will a computer modem work for Xbox live on a Xbox 360 elite?

Xbox 360 has only ethernet port.Modems with USB or COM interface can't be connected to xbox 360.