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Q: How do you shock someone with electrokinesis?
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How can someone die from shock?

a electrical shock yes I don't know about the other type of shock

The most important thing to do for someone in shock is to?

learn how to spell shock

How can you shock someone with my hands?

If you mean shock someone electrically by only touching them with your hands, there is certainly a way to do that, and it was discovered in the 18th Century.....but why would you want to do that to someone?

What does 'what what what' mean?

"What what what" repetition is often used informally to express disbelief, confusion, or surprise in a playful or sarcastic manner. It is typically used to emphasize a reaction to something unexpected or puzzling.

How do you do electrokinesis?

the psychic ability to control/generate electricity

How do you shock someone?

Use a stun gun

What do doctors use when they need to shock someone?


What can you do to help someone in shock?

kill them and save them the pain

How does a jellyfish kill human beings?

by they can go trew someone and they can shock ther person and kill the humanby they can go trew someone and they can shock ther person and kill the human

What is the second step when treating someone for shock?

Control the bleeding.

What are the injuries will usually cause someone to go into shock?


What is the most important step when treating someone for shock?

Intravenous fluid administration is the single most important factor in the treatment of any type of shock except cardiogenic shock