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There are a couple things you might try, but in the end you may just have to respect his wishes. If his daughter is under 18, he has every right to say who she is allowed to date.

From a Mormon perspective, he is probably concerned because he doesn't want his daughter dating someone who doesn't respect the moral standards of his faith. You could try sitting down with him and explaining that you respect her standards of modesty and virtue and wouldn't do anything to cause her to compromise her standards. Explain that as a Christian you have similar standards and that you intend to uphold them.

He might also be concerned that if she is dating outside the faith, she might end up leaving the faith. Show that you are not divided by your differences and that you are not trying to convince her to leave her faith. You could ask to attend church with her family on occassion to show your support for his beliefs.

The most important thing is to show him respect. If he feels that you are mature, honest, and respectful to him, his faith, and his daughter, he is more likely to accept you.

Check out the "Related Links" to see the Mormon 'For the Strength of Youth' website, which explains standards expected of Mormon teens. I'd recommend reading the "Dating" and "Sexual Purity" sections before talking to your girlfriend's dad, and letting him know that you have read it and are willing to abide by what it says.

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