

Best Answer

You don't

You eat a balanced diet and exercise regularly.

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Q: How do you starve yourself until you've lost enough weight for a boyfriend?
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You dont know whever you should starve yourself or no?

never starve yourself! that is completely unhealthy! if you want to lose weight talk to your doctor.

Is it good to starve yourself to lose weight?

No. Starving yourself to lose weight is not safe, nor is it effective in the long term,for weight loss.

Is it harmful to starve yourself to lose weight?

Yes, very much...

Im a 16 year old 5'3'' female that weighs 155 if i starve yourself for a week how much weight can i lose?

The answer to this is that if you do starve yourself you'll GAIN WEIGHT! Just eat healthy and excersize.

How long do you starve yourself till you lose 5 pounds?

You should never starve yourself to lose weight, this is very dangerous. A well balanced diet and exercise are the best ways to lose weight.

How do you starve myself to lose 60 pounds?

It is unsafe to starve yourself in order to lose weight. The best way to lose weight is by eating a balanced diet and lots of exercise.

One strategy in a sensible weight management plan is?

Don't starve yourself to death.

What would cause a person to loss a lot of weight in three month?

starve yourself for a month.x.x

How much weight will you lose if you starve for one month?

I doubt that you can starve yourself for a month as your body will not allow it. It all depends on how much you weigh now and how active you are.

If you starve yourself and lose weight will your stomach be flabby?

Certainly wont be the tight hip stomach you are looking for, no.

If you starve yourself how long will it take to lose 20 pounds im 115 pounds?

If you starve yourself, you could die before you lose the 20 pounds. Weight loss is achieved best by balanced diet and lots of exercise.

How much weight can you lose if you starve yourself for 2 weeks?

Starvation is not the answer to achieving weight loss ... exercise is ... lots of exercise. Food is an essential to survival.