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Your dog may be depressed or have other dietary deficiencies, which your vet can check. The most effective training is by pulling the leash gently, and telling your dog NO sternly, but gently.

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Q: How do you stop a pomeranian from eating poop and getting hookworms?
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Related questions

How is pooping caused?

eating, then digesting, then getting nutrients, then poop

How do you stop your poop from getting hard?

try eating lots of fiber and drink milk.

Can dogs get worms from eating poop?

Worms live in poop. By eating poop they have worms and barf

Can a dog get worms from eating duck poop?

You can get worms by your dog eating poop and then licking you and then you suck on your fingers you can get worms by eating any kind of poop so dont try it

Can dogs get worms from eating duck poop?

You can get worms by your dog eating poop and then licking you and then you suck on your fingers you can get worms by eating any kind of poop so dont try it

How do you get your puppy to stop eating poop?

We fed my pup cucumber (with skins) and whatever was in the taste it stopped him eating poop!

How do you eat yummy poop?

by eating it

How soon after a kitten eats will it poop?

After eating, a kitten will poop after about half an hour.

In Ireland what is zinc used for?

eating poop

Why do I poop hair?

Quit Eating Hair

How to stop a pomeranain from eating poop even though you tried giving spinach and deter tablets and nasty things on her poop but it still doesn't work and she has hookworms from eating poo?

Your dog is eating to much to fast you need to give him small portions like put some in the middle of your hand and give it to him or her one at a time then give your dog small pieces of pineapple it will make your dogs poop smell bad if that does not work i have some other was email me at Actully that doesn't work you need to pick up your dogs poop when it dries if you dont and you leave it in the yard it will try to eat it. Or it could be that your dog is still hungry try to feed him or her a little bit more or give him or her a little treat about every hour

Why does your bloodhounds breathe smell like poop?

Most likely, he's been eating poop.