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You stop eating it. Seriously. You can live a very happy and healthy life without eating sugar. Just watch the sugar content on the labels of everything you eat. All products have a nutritional value list on them. Dont consume the ones that list sugar on them.

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15y ago
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14y ago

Sugar for many is called a trigger food. Some that crave sugar chew a sugarless gum when the urge is overwhelming. The first step is to call it a trigger and avoid those foods and places that trigger the urge. Replacement therapy has more success with habits than just stopping.

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13y ago

There are a few ways. 1: Choose to stop. This one is the hardest to do. 2: Exchange sugary foods for something else. Like cookies for raisins or something. It's more psychological. 3: Take a medical supplement that makes you not crave sugars or foods in general. I'm not a doctor yet, but not eating at all or not eating foods with lots of sugars can be very bad for you. You need starches for long term energy and you need sugars for short term energy.

I eat over 5000 calories a day and am not overweight at all. I eat 4-5 meals a day though some of the meals are sugary snacks. Anytime I do eat sugars, my body starts jittering (like a bouncing leg) or something else which works off everything I eat. The number of meals per day is intentional so that I keep up my high metabolism. As high as it is, I can't gain weight. Just something to think about.

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Well not eating sugar would help... DURR

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The Enamal

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yes eating too much sugar can contibute to the amount of zits on your face.

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Since you define it as "to much" and beeing "late at night" I would say the short term consequense is lack of sleep, or disturbed sleep pattern that night. however, if you do this every night, you could be an early diabetic. Stop eating to much sugar. :-)

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hypoglycemia is a condition where the sufferer produces too much insulin after eating resulting in low blood sugar. hypoglycemia is a condition where the sufferer produces too much insulin after eating resulting in low blood sugar.

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