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Since you define it as "to much" and beeing "late at night" I would say the short term consequense is lack of sleep, or disturbed sleep pattern that night. however, if you do this every night, you could be an early diabetic. Stop eating to much sugar. :-)

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Q: What are the consequences of eating too much sugar late at night?
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What are the consequences of eating lots of chocolate late at night before you go to bed?

the consequense is you sitting here and posting a lot of sugar related questions! :-D One will get happy feet which makes it hard to sleep or restless and gain weight.

Late Night Eating?

One factor in losing weight has a lot to do with not eating late at night. If you choose to change your eating habits, avoiding late night snacking can make a big difference and provide optimal weight loss results. If you absolutely must snack, snacking on food which is low in carbohydrates are best. If you have a sweet tooth, try snacking on some sugar-free candy instead of a big chocolate bar.

Can you get sick by eating late at night?

Yes u can

What does late night eating do?

stomach problems & omitting

Does eating late at night can cause gain weight?

Yes it does you need to stop eating at 7:00

Is eating pomegranates late at night bad for you?

No it not but if you eat a small portion of it less then half of it

Why do you have dreams if you eat late at night?

Some people may have dreams if they eat late at night since eating rises the metabolism. Other things that can cause dreams are certain medications.

I am binching food late at night could i have diabetesi'm glucuse intollerent?

Binging on food late at night is not diabetes. It is an eating disorder characterized by a delayed circadian pattern of food intake.

Can eating candy late at night give you nightmares?

No, but too much might give you indigestion.

What is the cause of children being obese?

It's eithercinherited or eating too much fat foods, high in fats. Or eating at night & sleeping late.

If you arrive late for a shift what is the consequences?

There could be many consequences for showing up late to a shift. You could be fired if you are late enough.

What are some of the causes of sleep eating?

Some causes of sleep eating are staying up too late into the night, starvation, or obesity. These reasons are the top 3 reasons for the causing of sleep eating.