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A quick squirt of WD40 will fix it.

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Q: How do you stop the guitar hero whammy bar from squeaking?
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How do beat a whammy in Guitar Hero 3?

If you're talking about whammy in battle mode, just whammy as fast as you can until it goes away. NOoooooooooooooooooooooooooob Some guitars seem to have a problem that the whammy bar won't sense when it is totally pressed down. If that happens you won't be able to stop a whammy attack.

Is guitar hero 2.99 online at game stop?

No. Guitar Hero is $4.99, but interestingly, Guitar Hero II is only $2.99.

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How do you stop a Guitar Hero guitar from clicking when you strum?

i don't think you can. it's annoying :/

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How do you stop guitar strings from squeaking so much?

Get Fast Fret or a product that is similar, it lubricates the strings reducing squeaks.

Can you replace a stop bar with a whammy bar?

No, a stop bar and a whammy bar are two different things therefore you cannot replace a stop bar with a whammy bar. It woluld make the sound a whole different tune.

Where do you buy Guitar Hero world tour?

Game stop or Eb games

When does aerosmith Guitar Hero come out?

you can order it from game stop and they will ship it on 6/29

Why does my Guitar Hero World Tour guitar keep double strumming whenever I strum and what can I do to stop it?

At game stop how much money would they give you for a tredin for a guitar hero 3 guitar for the ps2?

6 dollars store credit

Is don't stop believin' in any guitar heros?

It is not in any Guitar Hero games but it is available as paid downloadable content for the Rock Band series.