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its not actually possible to swallow a penis. when people sayswallow a penis they are usually talking about giving a male a blow job. so your question is not relevant.

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Q: How do you swallow a penis?
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swallow penis , penis in vagina is haram so dont do that

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Put my penis in your mouth and swallow, you stupid homosexual.

How meany different types of swallow is there?

There are 8 varieties of Swallow. They are the Barn Swallow, Cave Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Bank Swallow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, the Violet-green Swallow, Tree Swallow, and the Purple Martin.

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A unladen swallow is the opposite of a laden swallow.

Are there swallows in the US?

Yes. The Barn Swallow, Bank Swallow, Cliff Swallow, Tree Swallow and the Northern Rough-winged Swallow are amongst some of the breeds of swallow found in the USA.

Why do men like girls to swallow?

I can think of three reasons, depending on the man. Some men like the idea that the woman is being submissive. If the man's penis is deep in your mouth, swallowing feels good to the man. If the woman is willing to swallow, it means the man doesn't have to worry about pulling out at the last minute. He can just "go for it."

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Of course. If it doesn't say " Do not swallow" then you can swallow it. Simple as that.

Can a man get aids by suking his penis?

A man who sucks his own penis will not have more aids than before whether he had this disease or not beforehand. More seriously, you can have aids by practising oral sex if your partner have aids of course, since you can swallow some sperm which may mix with blood. The risk is limited but there is still a risk.

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swallow what?

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The future tense of "swallow" is "will swallow."

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What is the best way to blow?

Put your mouth around the male penis. Stroke up and down the shaft while working your tongue around the head. Keep your teeth away from the shaft. SUCK don't BLOW. Use your hands around the penis as supplement stroking. Keep this going until the need to swallow comes.