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1. use some online calculator - it is important accurately determine the fabric size.

2. grid the fabric

3. start working at the top left rather than at the center

4. use a q-snap frame

5. tackle the fabric in sections.

6. (Important!) reward yourself regularly for completing smaller areas

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Q: How do you tackle a very large cross stitch piece?
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How do you finish at the end of a hand sewing stitch?

I just take an extra stitch on the bottom of the piece, or in a hidden portion, and pass the needle back through the stitch to form a knot, Then I pass it through again to double the knot. If the sewing piece is needlepoint, I simply weave the yarn through the back of the stitches in the piece.

What knitting stitch goes with the knit stitch?

I believe the answer you're looking for is: the Purlstitch.The purl stitch, when looking at the completed piece of knitted fabric, is actually the reverse side of the knit stitch, and is usually considered it's "companion."

What are stitching lines?

A stitching line is a line that a person uses to stitch along a piece of fabric

Is the needle used in sewing as same as the needle used in cross stitch?

Not as a general rule. When sewing, I usually use a 'sharp' needle . . . that is, a needle with a sharp point. When doing cross stitch, ( depending on the fabric of the cross stitch piece ) I use a ball point needle. If the fabric is an even-weave, like aida cloth, I use a chenille needle. You also want to make sure the eye is large enough to thread 2 to 3 strands of embroidery floss. If a regular sewing needle is all you have, then by all means use it. But as inexpensive as needles are . . . I suggest buying the size you need. NOTE: When threading a needle, if you have difficulty getting the thread(s) into the eye, turn the needle over and thread it from the other side. The eye's are stamped into a needle, and therefore it is larger at one side than the other.

What does the stitch width dial do on a sewing machine?

You should have an instruction booklet with your machine. That will show you where everything is. This will vary from machine to machine with some being simple and others you should be a rocket scientist to use. The stitch width selector is pretty self explanatory. You use it to select the width of the stitch you want to use in a zig zag stitch.

In cross stitching what is a sampler?

Hi, A sample is a piece of work where you do a bit of all different types of cross stitch. Usually with a bit of a border in one pattern and rows or sections in other patterns. The rule here I think, is that you should try until you find something you like, and then perfect i ton the sampler. They are usually signed and dated too.

In counted cross stitching what is the stitch count?

When you see a counted cross stitch pattern you will see the stitch count in numbers. Many times it will say for example 140 h by 48 w. H is for Height and W for width. To figure out the what your size will be, you divide the number of the stitches into the size of your fabric. Cross stitch fabric comes in six, seven, eight, ten, eleven, fourteen (the most common), sixteen, eighteen, twenty and 22 count. This means there are that many blocks per inch. So if you are working on a piece of Aida 14 you take 140 by 14 and your design will be ten inches tall and 48 divided by 14 will make it 4 inches wide. (Make sure you leave at least two and a half inches on each side so five inches total to the design for finishing or framing). Now if the fabric is ten count (ten squares per inch) then this same design would be 14 inches by almost 5 inches.

You are looking for crochet patterns for numbers letters and all punctuation marks?

When I have needed alphabets in crochet, I have done an online search for "needlepoint alphabet" or "cross stitch alphabet."The reason I like searching in these categories (needlepoint and cross-stitch), is because it's easy to convert to a filet crochet pattern. One stitch equals one block in filet. Some of the sites you find, will even convert something you type, into a pattern also. Although, there aren't that many places that do the conversion for you.

How do you crochet the second row?

The technique for crocheting a second row in a piece differs for each stitch. For example, for single crochets, you go up one chain, turn and go into the first loop on your piece (the top that looks like a braid or a v). For double crochet, you generally chain up 3 and go into the second stitch of the row. The number of chains needed may vary depending on the personal tension of the crocheter and how tall your stitches are. However, it is important to note that in single crochet, the chain up does NOT count as a stitch and in double and triple crochet it does. This makes a difference in which stitch is worked as your final stitch of the succeeding rows. If you miss the last stitch, or you go into the wrong first stitch, you will lose or add stitches on each row causing your work to go in directions you did not plan. You might like to check tutorials on Youtube which demonstrate the technique.

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The cross necklace is simply called a "cross necklace." It is a piece of jewelry that features a cross pendant as its main design element.

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what would happen if a large piece of steel wool was used? A much smaller piece

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Assuming you are doing stockinette stitch (knit the front side and purl the back side), your knitting is curling because that's precisely what stockinette stitch does. To make it stop, put a band of garter stitch (knit the front side AND the back side) or ribbing around the piece and that will make it lie flat.