

How do you take care of your heart and lungs?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Do not fall in love, be happy always. Do not smoke, drink moderately.

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Q: How do you take care of your heart and lungs?
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Of course the heart needs lungs. without them the heart wouldn't be able to pump because it needs to take in oxygenated blood and pass through the heart and become oxidized.

Does the heart take carbon dioxide to the lungs?

The heart pumps the blood that takes carbon dioxide to the lungs. So, the heart is a necessary element, but isn't the one effectively doing it.

How much time does it take for blood to go from the heart to lungs?

Within a single heart beat.

What do the lungs do the respiratory system?

help u breathe The respiratory system includes the heart and lungs. The lungs take in oxygen which pumps blood through the whole human body and to the heart. This process keeps the heart pumping which keeps you alive.

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you take care of it

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The organs protected by the rib cage include the heart, lungs, stomach, and liver.

How can you prevent a heart attack?

Be smart and take care of yourself, then should you shouldn't have to worry about heart disease. Take care of your body and it will take care of you. -now if only I could follow that rule...