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A few thoughts:

  • Things you can do the same
    • Use black and white film
    • Use black and white processing (yes, there is a difference)
    • Use intermediate aperture values (nothing wider than f5.6)
      • f8 was typical for non-professional cameras
    • Use off camera flash where possible
    • Pro, press and consumer cameras in the black and white days typically mounted flash guns to one side or the other, not over the center of the camera like we see today.
  • Things you might be able to do the same
    • Subject matter
    • Framing
    • Poses?
    • Filtering (ND Grad, ND Spot, Soft Focus, etc)
  • Things you can't do the same
    • Many old black and white photos were shot with large format and/or medium format film.
      • Bigger format means bigger field of view
      • Bigger field of view enables longer focal length lenses
      • This is the thing many people can't put their finger on when looking at old photos.
      • The bigger format does alter the perspective of the image
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Q: How do you take older looking black and white photos with 35mm film?
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Related questions

When were black and white photos invented?

1830 the camera was invented and all photos were black and white at first. It isn't until the 1900's that color film is invented.

Why do black and white photos look more artistic?

Because black and white photos have so much depth that just gives them that artsy professional type look

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You can find many old black and white military photos at many places. One great place to find old black and white military photos is an online website. You can also find old military photos at a store like Wal-Mart or K-Mart.

When sunshine on a black surface you see white or black?

well,if you are looking at the glare on the black, you will see white. but if you are looking at the black, but not at the glare, then you will see black.

Can you sell old black and white photos you found in garbage?

Yeah they can be antiques or not

Does canon eos rebel xs take black and white photos?

yes it does,

How do you get photos to come out in black and white?

well you can use black and white film and develop them using a regular camera. basically just load your camera with black and white film if it is that kind of camera.

Why did the first cameras only take pictures in black and white?

Black and white photos are "simpler" in the chemicals used. Perhaps someone else would like to expand on that.

Can you see a photo of Louis riel?

Yes. There are photos (black and white) that you can find on google images.

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No. Pokemon can't be traded from Black/White to older games at all, even if those pokemon existed in those older games.

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What color hair do older mermaids have?

white.......... the young ones are black or brown.....