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You open up the gun, take out the bolt and soak it in hot water. The glue around the bolt will weaken and the bolt will split into 2 pieces and the air restrictor will fall out. The you simply glue the bolt back together with hobby glue and put it back in the gun and put it back together.

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Q: How do you take the air restrictor out of a Nerf recon cs-6?
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How do you mod a Nerf Recon CS-6?

Remove Air Restrictor

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im not 100% but i THINK you can take out the air restrictor.... but im not sure.

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Unscrew it then take out the bolt then take out the plunger system the stick a long screwdriver in the back and knock out the air restrictor

How do you take out air resticters out of a Nerf gun without taking it apart?

You can't. In a nerf gun, there is a safety mechanism to prevent the gun from being too powerful. If you want to take the air restrictor out, then you have to take the gun apart. Hope this helped

What is the AR in a Nerf gun?

The AR is an acronym for Air Restrictor in a Nerf gun. When you look down the barrel of a Nerf gun you see a little peg, this on of the Air restrictors. It varies with each gun.

Do Nerf airtech guns have air restrictors?

Air restrictors are the three pronged pieces that have springs behind them pushing it against the dart supports. They are there only to limit the length the darts can be shot, all air (not spring) powered (Nerf) guns have them.

Why is my Nerf gun weak?

All Nerf guns have a air restrictor in the barrel. If you take apart your Nerf gun and drill out the air restrictor then it'll shoot a lot farther. There could be a number of reasons your gun is weak. Sometimes you may have to cock and shoot extra hard, sometimes the guns are slightly defective. And sometimes nobody knows why. But you can find all of your lastest Nerf newz at http:// nerfnewz.

What does taking the air restrictors out of a dart gun do?

Removing the Air restrictor in a Nerf/Buzzbee gun increses the amount of air force able to use to push out the dart further and therefore make the gun more powerful.

What is the best drill bit for a Nerf air restrictor?

You would want to use a 1/2" drill bit IF DRILLING FROM BEHIND THE AIR RESTRICTOR. If you drill from the front where the dart sits, you can wear the plastic inside the barrel, resulting in air slipping between the dart and the wall of the barrel. Not good. If you want to be on the safe side, use a 1/4" bit.

How do you mod your Nerf night finder?

Take out air ristrictor

How do you fix a locked Nerf Recon CS-6 everything is locked the gun won't shoot the clip won't come out and I can't cock the gun back?

well that is a new one for me but i hopefully can help, i own on myself and will walk you through the repair process. first if the gun is modified then check that the dart is not caught in the air restrictor hole, then try to force the gun slide back a little bit. then if possible give the six shot clip a hard yank to try to force it out of the dart tooth. i will not be held liable for any damage done to your nerf blaster

What is a restrictor plate in NASCAR racing?

A restrictor plate is a device used to reduce air flow and horsepower in a nascar engine. The restrictor plates are used at Talledega and Daytona to reduce speeds for safety.