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You should never, under any circumstances, remove a baby hamster from the mother.

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Q: How do you take your baby hamster away from their mother safely with out stressing them out?
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How old can a baby hamster be when it can be taken away from its mother safely?

about a month at least

My hamster had babys jan5 and i want to know when i can take them away from there mother without them having sex again?

About 4 weeks old you can take them away from there mother

How far can you take a baby hamster away from the mother?

You should never separate the babies from the mother, you can get your scent on them and she might eat them.

What does it mean when a mother hamster separates a baby hamster?

she is most likely rejecting it and you will need to immediately take the hamster away and care foe it youself until it is two weaks then it can care for itself.

How can i raise 2 week old hamster babies without a mother because she ran away?

do everything that you can the same as their mother would have if she was still there

Does the mother hamster get sad when you take away her babies after four weeks?

Well if you take away all of her babies then yes she will feel some lonesome and it may cause her to wine,scratch,runny nose.But if you leave at least one baby hamster with her she will not be upset and none of those symtyms above will happen.So i recomend you sell all of them(exept one.)and give the one you have not sold to the mother hamster and take care of her. p.s. you will not have to take care of the baby as much as you take care of the mother because the mother will take care of the baby but do feed her and love her as the mother hamster does. I HOPE I HELPED!!!(: MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Is a cat a hamster?

A cat could eat a hamster if it felt like it. I strongly suggest keeping the hamster away from the cat and the cat away from the hamster:/

If your hamster runs away from you does that mean it's scared of you?

If your hamster runs away from you, it might mean that he or she is afraid of you, but it might also mean that the hamster is simply not trained. You can train a hamster to come to you by rewarding the hamster with food each time it climbs onto your hand.

Should I help a Baby hamster that crawled away from mom?

Well, if you do, dont put it back in with mother keep it yourself to mother for because once the smell is passed on, the mother will kill!!!! BEWAREEE!!!! i warn you now!!!!!! ;) Ok darling x

Can your Baby Hamster die please help........................My female baby hamster's eye is out of the socket she got stepped she going to pass away?

yes a baby hamster can die and your female hamster,im sad to say, probably will pass away.

My hamster just had babies and I'd like to know When can you handle them and their mother?

Thanks for the help, she had 10 of them. Unfortunately they are all at new homes now as I've given them away. She was never aggressive really, she was glad to get away from them! Anyways, thanks again!2 weeks. It takes you 2 weeks for you to be able to hold the baby hamsters, and after the mother has the babies she will be an aggressive hamster so she might bite you if you get near her.

Do you throw away a hamster's nest when cleaning the cage?

It's perfectly fine to throw away the nest; your hamster will build a new one!