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In an emergency, in the US call 1-800-273-TALK or 911Suicide is preventable. If you or someone you know is suicidal, recovery is possible. Start by knowing the warning signs and do everything possible to get help.

Warnings signs of suicide:

  • Ideation (Thinking about suicide)
  • Substance use or abuse
  • Purposelessness (No sense of belonging or purpose)
  • Anger
  • Trapped (Feeling there is no way out)
  • Hopelessness (Feeling there is nothing to live for)
  • Withdrawal
  • Anxiety
  • Recklessness (high-risk taking behavior)
  • Mood disturbance (dramatic change in mood)

Additional Warning Signs of Suicide:

  • Talking about suicide.
  • Statements of hopelessness, or worthlessness.
  • Preoccupation with death.
  • Suddenly happier, calmer.
  • Loss of interest in things one cares about.
  • Visiting or calling people one cares about.
  • Making arrangements, setting ones affairs in order.
  • Giving things away, such as prized possessions.

If you see these signs, be willing to talk about suicide with the person in danger. Ask questions in a non-threatening way. If you feel this person is in immediate danger they should see a mental health professional or doctor immediately. Call 911 or take them to the emergency room.

Suicide Is Not OkayNo suicide is not ok. Find someone you can trust and believe in to talk to. There is too much in life to live for. If you have children you need to think about them, and if you don't have childen you need to think about yourself.

Live life to the fullest don't let any one take that joy away from you.

Suicide is the refusal to do any more learning this lifetime so that it is really a waste of time to be here since to learn is the sole reason we are here. Killing yourself will not in any way solve anything. You still have to come back and learn, so really you would just be putting it off. You can run but you can't hide. It may not appear this way to you, but it's rough on all of us. We all must come to an understanding of the choices we have made and are making. We must all learn to make more productive choices than unproductive. Our experiences give us the opportunity to do so. All our experiences are a direct or indirect result of choices we've made. I only say indirect because many of the choice we make, we don't remember. This is why concentration exercises are important, so we can remember how we set up what we are now experiencing.

More HelpTry to get them to call a suicide and crisis hot line.

Try to stall them. Say if they've made up their mind, they can always wait a little and do it later. Buy time. Get help. A trained counselor will know what to say. Love and instinct may not be enough.

Don't leave them alone; if you can't stay with them make sure someone can. Do what ever you have to and get them help.

Let a mature responsible adult know. They should (hopefully) be able to offer more help and be more aware of what help can be provided, assuming your friend is serious of course. Don't take this on yourself. It could lead to a lifetime of heartache and soul searching. Get help, and if your friend complains tell them you thought it was a call for help, which you were trying to provide, like good friends should, rather than a selfish call for attention by being so inconsiderate as to dump something like that on you.

Keep a close eye on your friend. Do not leave them alone if you can help it. Contact your local crisis center or mental health office.

Never say to the person anything that questions his seriousness about following through ie 'You wouldn't do that!' But, very importantly, express to them 'I don't want you to do it.'and 'Please don't do it.' Let the person know that you hear what they are saying, and make it clear that you intend to stick around for them. If you don't feel confident in your own abilities, accompany them to a place where someone can help.

Then you should speak to a family member, a counsellor or a suicide crisis line. Thinking like that means you are depressed and depression is a treatable illness and the recovery times are often less than 3 months. Just cause you think it, doesn't mean you have to follow through, just recognise that they are just thoughts and if you shrug them off, they will pass.

See the Related Web Link

Please take the time to look at the web link to the left titled "How Can You Help People Who Want To Commit Suicide." This site has links to many other related sites as well.

Please talk to a counselor about your problems, nothing is bad enough to take your own life over.

Suicidal ReasonsMany people commit suicide due to a massive lack of self-commitment and self-confidence. Some people are bullied by friends or family, or some people are bullied by themselves (a psychic problem such as hearing voices pushing the person to do things against their will etc.). Most don't realise that their life is important to them and some experience severe depression after the loss of a loved one or financial ruin etc.

you, talk to him and see if hes serious, then i know you probaly don't want to be a tatle tale but you need to tell someone u can save his life, it may be worth it. First, my heart goes out to you. Secondly please know you WILL be okay and even happy again.

The best and easiest place to start is with your family doctor. A lot of people don't think of this since they're used to going to the family doctor for "minor" medical problems (colds, shots, physicals, etc.)

If you are feeling down and/or thinking of suicide because of everything going wrong, please know that you is normal. Its called "situational depression" and I had it. Even if everything was going great and you were depressed that is normal to. But its NOT normal to allow it to continue. You need either counseling or a combination of counseling and medication.

Please keep in mind (be careful) that if you tell a medical professional or someone in law enforcement that you are definitely considering suicide, they are required, by law, to protect you from yourself. This could mean an automatic stay in the hospital for a period of a few days.

Beyond that, you can find online support groups for depression (Yahoo and MSN are great sources for online support groups) and you can find self help books at your local library.

Please get help and please let us know how you're doing. Life is really a bummer sometimes but that happens to everyone. Trust me. Even people who SEEM happy aren't all the time. This is just a bad time in your life. It is NOT the rest of your life. You deserve to be happy again. And you will.

Suicide is Not the SolutionFirst of all, you have to be going through some very difficult times to be asking a question like this. Before you make that decision, you should talk to someone who might be able to help you through whatever difficulties you are facing. Talking to another person may help you put a different perspective on your situation. You might also consider how many people killing yourself would affect, and how they will feel if you go through with something like that. There are also people you may not have met yet that your life will affect later.

From a more personal standpoint, many people have times in their lives when they feel like they have no reason to go on living. I have gone through times like that myself. Once, when I was going through a very difficult marrital situation, I started thinking that life just was not worth living and contemplated ending it all. Needless to say, I did not follow through because I am here to write this.

Financial stresses have also caused me to question whether life is really worth living. One thing has been true for every situation, though. Eventually, the situation has gotten better.

Suicide may end your pain, but it will cause others to hurt. With the technology we have today, it is very difficult to make a suicide look like an accident, so people who love you would always question what they could have done for you. A much better choice is to deal with whatever pain and problems you are having and spare others the pain that you would be causing them. Whatever your situation is right now, things will get better. They always do.

Again, emergency numbers:National Suicide Prevention Hotline:1-800-273-8255

Suicide Certified Crisis Hotline:1-800-784-2433

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14y ago

Constantly remind him of what he would lose. Keep giving him a reason not to commit suicide.

You are right to take it seriously. It is serious.

But you cannot be responsible for giving a person a reason to live. No one can. If you failed to save him, it would not be your fault.

Try to get your friend to call a suicide and crisis hot line. Look up the number in your community. The folks on the line know how to talk to somebody who is threatening suicide.

You can call the number yourself and ask for advice.

Sometimes you have to get to the reason behind it. I know that sometimes it seems impossible to tell someone, so don't pry at them. Find the person that they confide in, and talk to them. I find that if you go to there friends, than it will be easier. Parents don't get told anything, so don't even bother if your an adult. My friends saved me once, and I now understand what it's like. So it's not always your family that you can trust.

Look, I'm one of those people who want too commit suicide, and it's not up to you, it's their choice. Why would you want them to go through all this torture and suffering? And if you contstantly remind them, they'll still do it, it'll just make them really sad.


Or, you know what, I don't want to get rude, but life DOES have it's ups and downs.

People who commit suicide are people who are looking only at the downs.

We don't want you to go through torture and suffering, but we don't want you to give up so quickly either.

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13y ago

The question you ask is difficult for non-professionals to deal with because 'being suicidal' means 'at risk of suicide'. In all cases when a person discloses to a friend of colleague that they feel like killing themselves, that friend or colleague should encourage their friend to seek expert professional help, support, guidance. The most immediately accessible resources across the world are so-called "suicide prevention helplines".

If a friend discloses that they have already intentionally attempted to seriously harm themselves so as to die prematurely, then, with their permission, the emergency services and / or local suicide crisis teams should be alerted.

Many people who say they are suicidal do not go on to kill themselves. But many do. So never ignore a friend - or any other human who talks about killing themselves. Offer them practical help so as to get expert therapeutic support. The goal is always to replace the 'desire to die' with the 'will to live'.

I hope that you find this useful in helping your friend.

Please seek Professional Help, Click on the related question below for resources on suicide prevention.

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12y ago

My back round story (to help you understand) is basically then I am twelve. One day my mom was in the kitchen cooking and I was really mad and sad and I really didn't know what I was feeling (I look back on that moment and I am still confused). I decided that there was no purpose for my life and I would be happier in heaven. I was at the top of the stairs waiting for myself to go downstairs and stab myself. My mom heard me and I started to curl up on the stairs and cry (mood swing). She asked what was wrong and then we started talking (a good way for them stop them from harming themselves). Somehow (I forget real easy) my mom had got into the subject of suicide. I told her I was planning to do that now. She she asked how would you and told her. She claimed it was perfectly normal for kid's my age to have thoughts thoughts. I found that creepy.

Well, I hope none of you ever commit suicide. If you (or your friend) is a tween or teen they go through mood swings and have thoughts that are really scary. Here are some suggestions on what to do.

1. Ask him/her if they have suicide thoughts

2. (if yes) Ask them how

3. Get any object that might tempt them to commit suicide

4. Talk to them make them feel good

5. Wait till they're in a good mood then ask them about suicide thoughts

6. If yes then get them help very fast because that means they have thoughts about that all the time (or it hasn't gotten out of their head yet)

7. If no then they are cured from a bad mood (which means you saved a life!)


Actually, if someone's mood lifts after a long bout of depression, it may mean that they now have the energy to act on suicidal thoughts. You should never try to deal with a suicidal person yourself, because you don't know what's going on in their head and you could say the wrong thing.

If you fear a person you know is suicidal, don't hesitate to call 911. Explain your situation to the dispatcher and she will forward the appropriate services to you. Here are a few 24 hour mental health lines you can call or your friend can call:

Kid's Help Phone (if the party is a young adult) : 1 800 668 6868 (Canada only)

Suicide Prevention Line: 1 800 273 TALK (8255)

More...I'm not sure that I agree with the correction to the first answer; about not talking to a suicidal person. Answer 1 is correct in a lot of ways -- possibly in all ways. For instance, I can't think of a reputable source or study that doesn't equate disassociation and disconnection/psychological isolation with depression, and often with suicidal ideation. You may not be a professional in this field, but if you're the one the subject came to, it's not something I think it's wise to ignore. Connect if you can.

And I would add that getting someone into a better mood is always a good idea. While there may potentially be repercussions (or not), I can't buy into the idea that keeping a depressed person depressed is a good, therapeutic thing.

Finally, yes, you might say the "wrong" thing. But then again so might anyone. Suicide prevention has surprisingly poor success statistics. And I think a genuine reachout is as likely to work as the clinical distance I sometimes hear from trained counsellors.

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14y ago

There is no one simple solution to teen suicide or suicide for any age group, primarily because there is no one reason for any two people to take their own life.

All that anyone can do is talk with them--not to them, not just around them, but communicate with them, and don't stop even if they tell you too. Tell them, in fact, why you will not stop. Ask the teen what is going on in his or her life. Be ready for diversion and dissemination (distraction and lieing). Young people of adolescent ages are typically private and exclusionary. Let the teen know you love him/her--tell them. Try to explain why you react the way you do to things they do (this will involve much self-reflection and most people aren't comfortable with this or are willing to accept the necessity for it--it's the kid's problem after all--right? Wrong! It is the problem of those who will be left behind).

This is not a simple matter, the issues of suicide never are. Here's the motivation though, pay attention:

If you do nothing and the child you love takes his own life,

what can you do after the fact to fix what you ignored?

Harsh, yes, but necessary. Once a life is lost it too late to do anything to prevent it. Get through the awkwardness now so you don't have to endure the unbearable later.

If necessary, seek professional psychological help. Talk to a counselor or psychologist, consider medical options such as medications or treatments. But, do your homework.

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12y ago

Right now im going through the same thing. My best friend is threating to kill herself. The best advice right now is to talk to them or if u kno they are for real then call the cops. NOW!

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