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First, you tell her that she smells like onions that were left in a toilet that was never flushes for 3 weeks. Then you tell her to get a life! Then you run away screaming "Sara stinks like onions that were left in a toilet bowl that was never flushed for 3 weeks" Then, you tell the principal she stole your mom's Lamborghini! Then, you can tell that to the police! Then, the next time you will see her is in jail, because she supposedly stole your mom's Lamborghini! Then, you jump up and down saying" yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayayyayayayayayayayaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Then you tell her to become a lesbian because "that is what "normal" Americans do" then tell her to marry her evil step sister Meghan Loraine Matje

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Q: How do you talk to sara a stinky Indian girl who smells like onions that were left in a toilet that was never flushed for 3 weeks?
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Overpowering, putrid, ripe, stenchy, stinky, nasty,