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Q: How do you tell a friend she is very important?
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this not important to tell my mother or sister about this my thinking that first i tell my best friend about

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Tell your friend you are really sorry and draw them a picture of you and him/her. Tell him/her you are very sorry for your mistake and if that doesn't work, I guess you don't have a very good friend right now, my friend. :)

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You shouldn't dump him. Your friend isn't being a very good friend. If you love him and he loves you then that's what's important. Your friend should respect that.

How do you tell a friend that you love her?

Show her. Show her that you know what is important to her. Be there when she need you.

How do you tell if someone is a good friend?

they should be very nice

What do i do if a guy likes me and he have girlfriend that's my friend?

"tell your friend" I'm with the original answer on this one. You need to tell your friend, and honestly you should choose your friend over him. Trust me, I was that guy once. Your friend is going to be more important in the long run.

How do you tell your guy friend that you like him?

Write him a note. Outline VERY clearly (cos men are stupid) that if he isn't interested in that way, your friendship is way more important.

Pretend your friend starts back chatting about you to her other new friend and you feel not important what do you do?

Just confront her, tell him/her you don't feel important, and see where it takes you.