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friendship glows up by mutual care that feuls its love everafter.

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Q: How do you tell a friend you love them?
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if your a guy and your friend is a girl how can you tell if she is in love with you?

HOW TO TELL your love to your girl friend?

Tell her you love her. Tell her you admire her. Tell her the truth. Sincerity works.

If you are 15 how do you tell your best friend you love her?

Tell them you love them. It's as easy as that. If you're their bets friend, they'll understand.

A goof friend has a crush on a elementary friend?

Tell the person you love them then ask them if they love you.

I love my best friend's brother but he doesnt know?

tell your best friend but tell her not to tell her bro.

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Is it wrong to tell a friend that you love them in a just friend way?


What do you do if your friend's boyfriend loves you?

if you love them tell them if you don't love them don't tell them. Thank you for reading.

How do you tell someone you like their friend?

you say i love your friend is that ok

How do you tell your friend that you are in love with him but you are a guy?


What do you do when You love a man?

Tell him, tell the truth dont get your friend to tell him you tell him tell the truth

What do you do when your friend's ex boyfriend wants to go out with you but he is still in love with your friend and your friend is in love with him?

The right thing to do is not go out with him. If you do you can make your friend upset. Tell this boy you can't date him and if he likes you, he will understand. The best thing to do is to tell your friend he likes you and then tell her you already said no.