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This would depend on the quality of the relationship you have with your husband, and whether the child was conceived after marriage or before.

If the child was conceived within the period of your marriage, was there any 'cause' for your unfaithfulness? How long have you known that the child is not his, how old is the child?

Will you, of pressed, be prepared to reveal the name of the father?

As his wife, you must have some idea of what to expect. Will your revelation harm you and/or the child's future? if this is likely then you might be advised to wait until a time of your own choosing - when you might have made arrangements for you both.

If you think that your husband make forgive your 'lapse' and cherish the child then you need to take your courage in your hands and ask for a quiet night to discuss something of great seriousness.

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In a letter, with no return address, from a land far, far, away! Dirty! He is way too good for you, so stay in that far, far, away land!

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