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you know by the size of the eardrum,if the eardrum is bigger than the eye it a boy and if the eardrum is smaller its a girl.

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12y ago

vocal sac is present in male and on the basis of it we can say that it is male

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Q: How do you tell if a Gray Tree Frog is a boy or girl?
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How do you tell if a tree frog is a male or female?

A male has a dick and a female doesn't. Just like real life.

How can you tell the difference between girl young frogs and boy young frogs?

That is a very good answer reader, well it actually depends of what kind of frog is is like if it is a bull frog you can tell but if it is a fire belly frog no one knows.

How do you know the difference between a girl and boy underground frog?

You can tell by the size, male underground frogs tend to be much larger in size then a female frog!

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How Can you tell if a tree is a boy or a girl?

it all depends on what color the trees pee is.

Can you tell the difference between a girl poison dart frog and a boy poison dart frog?

yes, males are smaller and flatter whereas females have a more rounded body shape

How can you tell if a robin is a boy or a girl?

If a robin has a black head it's a male.If it has a gray head it's a female.

How do you tell the difference between a new frog boy and a new frog girl?

The only sure way is really quite simple: wait until is grows up and either starts calling or not.