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Usually a crested gecko going through shed will lighten in color. The animal will look almost pale and most likely activly calm down and tend to stay in one given area. During this time the animal is under going stress, avoid handling when shedding.

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11y ago
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10y ago

a few ways to tell if your crested gecko is stressed out is if it is not leaving fecal matter behind. When an animal is stressed, they will usually cut down on food or even completely stop eating. Another strong sign that the animal is sick or stressed is that it is always looking dark in coloration. Cresteds geckos are usually bright in coloration when happy.

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13y ago

It's eyes will get blue or a real milky color. There is like 15 more ways too.


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12y ago

You can tell when your lizard is shedding its skin when you begin to find loose scales.

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10y ago

When your animal has passed they will not have the ability to move or breath. Typcially, when observing a crested gecko, their throat will move up and down as they breath

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Can a crested gecko mate with another type of crested gecko?

A crested gecko is a crested gecko, i think you may have mistaken this as morphs or you meant another species of gecko; if another species of gecko, no, if another morph yes.

What is better a crested gecko or a golden gecko?

Crested Gecko. Golden Geckos are much faster and don't like being held. Get a crested gecko.

The crested gecko is found in what part of the world?

The crested gecko is a species of gecko native to southern New Caledonia. This creatures are also known as New Caledonian Crested Gecko, Guichenot's Giant Gecko or Eyelash Gecko.

Is there any crested gecko breeders in Melbourne and if there is can you tell me where?

There should be. At least I think there is...

How much day gecko food do you feed a crested gecko?

You do not feed your crested gecko Day gecko diet. The diet your speaking of Is produced by Repashy or T-Rexx, both of these manufacturer's create a Meal replacement powder designed specifically for crested geckos. Crested gecko diet.

What are some names of a nocturnal lizard?

almost every gecko some names are the tokay gecko the crested gecko and the golden gecko you can tell by looking at their eyes if their pupil is a sslit they are nocturnal

Is a clamp necessary for a crested gecko cage?

The Crested Gecko is a species of gecko indigenous to New Caledonia. Unlike other reptiles, this species of gecko is nocturnal and does not require a clamp lamp.

Can you house a crested gecko with a helmeted gecko?

no, crested geckos are solitary animal they will kill and might eat the other animal

What is the average growth time for a crested gecko?

Typically a crested gecko wil take 24months to reach full maturity.

How do you care for a crested gecko?

feed it

Can a giant day gecko live with a crested gecko?

no crested geckos are solitary animal's, and will kill and might eat the other animal.

Can a crested gecko and panther gecko live together in a 20 gallon tank?
