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if they always stare at you and when you look at them they turn away that is obviously saying he is interested in you

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Q: How do you tell if a guy that you were only around for 3 days is interested what signs should i look for and Does him grabing me around the waist from behind and pointing out i want him say anything?
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How do you tell if a guy that you were only around for 3 days is interested and what signs should i look for Does him grabing me around the waist from behind and pointing out i want him say anything?

please answer

How do you tell if a guy that you were only around for 3 days is interested and Does him grabing me around the waist from behind and pointing out i want him with a smile say anything?

either he just wants sex or he's stalking you

How do you tell if a person that you were only around for 3 days is interested Does him grabing me around the waist from behind and pointing out i sleep weird and pointing out i want him say anything?

If you're around him shoot a quick glance without catching any attention and see if is looking at you. If most of the time when you do this he is looking at you, then someone either has a stalker ;) or he's interested. And the grabbin around the waist is a good sign because this means he's not afraid to be near you! Good luck!

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anything goes around