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That depends on the level of Narcissism you are dealing with. The most dangerous ones are the borderlines. They have a tendency to be more low key therefore are very deceptive. If they are abusive (especially physical) then you are ready when you feel you have reached rock bottom. You are ready when:

  • You look in the mirror and no longer see the person that you used to be (in a positive way)
  • You feel/look as though you've aged rapidly
  • Your self esteem is non-existent
  • You blame yourself for everything going wrong in the relationship
  • You are not healthy mentally and sometimes physically (suicidal thoughts, drinking)
  • When you know deep down that the person you have given your life to - your everything to has disappeared.

I could go on but honestly to be with a narcissist is like being in a hall of mirrors. They confuse you so much that you are lost and either 1) cannot leave because you're still in love with that non-existent person or 2) you're strung out on the hope that they'll change or your love will fix it or 3) like any abusive relationiship's mental damage - you think there's no one better out there for you.

Again, depending on the level of narcissism, if you leave they might act as though they don't care (and probably don't because they REALLY DON'T CARE)and go get a new supply source (new partner - most likely they already have someone in mind). Or they might be psycopathic and become angry. They do have a tendency to try and come back into your life - especially if they know you still love them. To them that means your supply hasn't run out. Months and even years could go by... If you are going to leave then truly leave. Because the damage is so deep rooted, you won't be able to leave them in your heart for some time but you can physically leave them. No contact is the best way to go.

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A narcissist will leave you alone when they find another source of narcissistic supply they think is better/more exciting than you.

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Q: How can you tell if you are ready to leave the narcissist and how would the narcissist be reacting?
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no. a sadist would want to hurt you. a narcissist would want to be hurt.

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Narcissists think of their mirrors (partners) as possessions. They don't want to lose them -- until they are ready.

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After a fight, it would be wise to leave a man alone until he is ready to come to you.

Why would a Narcissist stalk and harass when you leave him instead of just acting like you do not exist and moving on?

Because he doesent want to lose that control, he doesent want to lose you, you fuel his needs, narcissist dont think just anyone will put up with them. Narcissist fear greatly being a lone, no one to abuse and they just have to be depressed.

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Why would you WANT to go back? Narcissists will make up stuff to blame you with just to get out of the relationship. They NEVER take responsibility. Do NOT go back. Institute NO CONTACT and run!

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The girl was finally all ready to leave for vacation with her parents. Another good sentence would be, the dog was all ready to go to the vet.

Can a narcissist be friends with another narcissist?

Probably not, they would fight over mirror time. ;)

Is it possible for a female narcissist to have a successful relationship with a male narcissist?

Please let me apologize in advance for my sarcasm, but I wish this were always the case! If all the narcissists paired up, then they would leave all us normal folks alone... Seriously, I did read somewhere (in Sam Vaknin's site?) that there are two particular "types" of narcissists may do well for a time...Was it an inverted narcissist he was refering to? I don't quite remember.(Google: "inverted narcissist maybe?) I also read that there are folks out there that actually like being in a relationship with a narcissist!

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She wouldn't. That is not a reaction that a narcissist would have.

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Why would ANYONE want to be with a narcissist? A codependent would be about the only type of personality that could tolerate being with a narcissist, and they will pay a terrible price. Dump the narcissist and get some help with the codependency. ACOA, CODA, Al-anon and Nar-anon are as close as your telephone.

What do you call a person who praises himself?

You would call a person who praises himself a lot a narcissist.