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hey man i think its in their fins.If its male its fins are longer and when its female its fins are short.That is because of their growth.The male tilapia grows faster and much bigger than Female Tilapia.Dude just want to help you.

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That depends on the individual species. For example I have Three Blue three Spot Gourami, the male has a pointed dorsal fin while the female has a rounded dorsal fin. In the same tank I have three Kissing Gourami, the only way you can tell them apart is to look for a more rounded body in the female.

So for each individual fish it is different.

In freshwater Angelfish it it nearly impossible to tell which is which unless you catch them in the act so to speak.

A platy and most other live bearing fish including mollies, guppies and swordtails to name a few can be told apart by looking at their anal fin. Males have a pointed anal fin while a females is typically a full fanned out fin.

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