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You can take a small sample of your dog's feces in to your Veterinarian to have it tested/checked for internal parasites. You also may see actual worms in your dog's feces. Long thin worms that look like spaghetti are Round Worms and tapeworms look like little grains of rice. There are many more internal parasites that you cannot see, that is why it is best to have your Veterinarian check things out by testing a small sample of your dog's feces. It is best to have your dog dewormed & checked by your Veterinarian. Also use one of those Once a Month Flea & Tick medications that you put on topically on your dog, such as Frontline Plus, etc. Don't forget about once a month Heartworm protection too. Check with your Veterinarian about these much needed medications to protect the health of your dog.

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It depends which parasites you're referring to. Internal parasites will be present in the snake's faeces. External parasites (such as ticks) can be seen on the snake's body.

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Does a snake have a strong immune system?

yes they do. they can eat you alive so watch out. if you see a snake of any kind tell a snake expert to come get it .do not run from it.