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No spinal bones


Eat people (0riginal answer)- This is moronic to say. Sharks are highly afraid of people and will do what they can to avoid them. The majority of shark attacks are due to the animal being provoked or a case of mistaken identity such as a surfer which looks very much like a sea turtle when looking up from beneath. The sea turtle is a natural food source of most sharks. There more fatalities a year due to lightening striking a person than shark attacks. Ar person is more likely to die from a toaster than a shark or a vending machine fall on them.


Live Birth

Spianl bones

Animal (original answer)- Sharks are also considered animals; therefore this is not a true difference. The classiification for Sharks is as follows: Kingdom:Animalia, Phylum: Chordata, Class: Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous). The classification for the Dolphin is as follows: Kingdom: Animalia, Phylum:Chordata, Class: Mammalia. As you can see, the difference splits at their Class.

Sharks are cold-blooded, and filter the water around them to get the oxygen out of the water, but dolphins are warm-blooded, therefore mammals, who surface to take a breath of air. Not through their mouth or nose like humans, but through their blowholes, a hole in front of their dorsal fin that closes tightly shut when the dolphin dives back down into the water.
dolphins are mammels and need air to survive. However, sharks are fish and have gills. unlike the dolphin who has lungs.
Sharks are cold-blooded, and are a species of fish; Dolphins are warm-blooded, and are mammals.
A shark has big sharp teeth and dolphin has got little and not sharp teeth
a sharks top fin is straght up with ridges and a dolphins top fin is curved

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6y ago
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9y ago

There are many differences between the shark and the dolphin. Sharks are cartilaginous fish whereas the dolphin is a mammal. Sharks take air in through their gills while dolphins breathe fresh air using their lungs.

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12y ago

Sharks are fish and dolphins are mammals. Sharks don't have bones, dolphins do. Sharks can breathe underwater, dolphins hold their breath.

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13y ago

Sharks have a rounded nose...dolphins have a pointed nose...hence the name bottled nose dolphins!

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14y ago

Dolphins are better They don't kill Peoples and they are friendly with Peoples.And Sharks are Dangerous and Bad

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14y ago

a dolphin has a curved body. sharks have straight

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13y ago

A dolphins fin is curved and a sharks fin is like a triangle.

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4y ago

you have a brain and look at it

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