

Best Answer

You don't... just find someone else.

AnswerNow I cannot tell you what to do. What you should do is what you feel you should. But, I personally think that you should tell him how you feel. Don't under any circumsatnces expect that he will drop this other girl for you. Because if he doesn't pick you it can be painful for you to deal with. But if he does pick you, it will make your decision sweeter. This is as long as he has a Girlfriend and is not Married, if hes married leave well enough alone. But if not hey, alls fair in love in war!! Good luck hope everything works out with or without him :)
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Q: How do you tell someone that you love him if he has a girlfriend already?
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What to do when you REALLY like a boy who already has a girlfriend?

speaking as a boy, i say that you try to take your mind off it by doing something you love and just do that until you like someone else.

What do i do if i really love him but he has a girlfriend?

tell him you love him but u know ur goin out wid someone

How do you tell a guy you like them when they have a girlfriend?

try to be a great friend of them. then tell them that their is someone in your life that you love him. and at the last tell him i love you.try to be better than his girlfriend. he'll realize he is missing out, and dump her for you

How do you tell someone you love them if they have a girlfriend?

you wait until their relationship is at its lowest (maybe)

What should you do if you love someone but he has a girlfriend?

U should go up to him and say u love him and tell how you feel

How can you tell someone you love them but their not your girlfriend?

simple...just say 'i love you' make sure your gf isn't around but...

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if shes your girlfriend your already wit her

If my you love someone 2 years older than you who already has a girlfriend and you're really good friend with them should you tell them how you feel?

no, even if it's tearing you apart you shouldn't jeopardise what you and he already have. it could tear everything apart if it ends badly. also you don't want to be known as someone who tears other peoples happiness apart. think how you'd feel if you were his girlfriend and he left you for someone else.

How you know your girl she love you?

Get to know the girl...maybe have a chat if you guys arnt totally friends. if you guys are already girlfriend and boyfriend....maybe tell her you love and she wat she says back Get to know the girl...maybe have a chat if you guys arnt totally friends. if you guys are already girlfriend and boyfriend....maybe tell her you love and she wat she says back

How long do you have to be going out before you can tell your girlfriend you love her?

There is no time line for falling in love. If you feel it and you want to say it you have already said it just not aloud. Tell her you Love her is what I would do. Love like you've never been hurt.

Who is a sweetest girlfriend?

You are a sweet girlfriend when you tell him you love him

How do you tell a boy u love that you want to go out with him but he already has a girlfriend?

Well if you think your better than his girl friend you should flirt and or wait for them to break up if he hurts somehow then find someone ease