

How do you tell when egg are old?

Updated: 10/6/2023
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11y ago

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If your chicken is really old, say maybe 5 years, it will start going blind and not laying eggs. A chicken that is 3 or 4 will be motherly (Female) or grumpy (Male). A young chicken, at age 2, will be very athletic and lays eggs every day. But a very young one, year 1, will just start to lay eggs and will like to pick on others smaller than it. You could call that a teenager.

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14y ago

When an egg is at rest on a counter, the long of the oblong shape will be more or less horizontal. Get a mixing bowl of about 4" deep of non hot water, and put the egg in. An egg fresh from the chicken will sink and rest on the bottom with the long of the oblong horizontal (just like on the counter). As eggs age, the long of the oblong begins to tip upward. The older the egg, the more the tilt. Older eggs will tilt all the way vertical, but can still be on the bottom. Older eggs still, will begin to float. Now an expert will need to tell you when the egg is too old

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14y ago

Chickens we purchase from a store to cook are typically 6 months to a year old and have spent most of their life in a cage, unable to move around and are injected with saline in an effort to assure a moist and tender chicken. A chicken that is a year or more old is typically deemed a stewing chicken and will be stringy or tough if pan fried. Chickens older than a year are best for soups or you can ground the meat and make into dumplings. Simply put a chicken, regardless of age can be used for soup at the least.

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Fill a deep bowl with water. Eggs that are eatable will sink; eggs that are about to go bad will "stand up" in the water; bad eggs will float to the top.

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When its just fresh there's no telling. After the hen has been sitting on it or has been in an incubator you can tell be holding it against a bright light (you can see blood veins in the egg) or put it in water; a fertilized egg will float, and a non fertilized egg will sick. A spoiled/ rotten egg will float as well, but it will be quiet old when that happens.

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You can tell if eggs are old by dropping one in a cup or bowl of water. If the egg floats, it is bad. If it sinks, it is good.