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i know it may be hard but tell the truth. tell her you were feeling you needed a bra (so on...or whaterver the case may be.)

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Q: How do you tell your mum you have a bra?
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How do you tell your mum that you think you need a bra?

Just say mum I need a bra

How do i tell my mum i want a bra?

u tell her

How does you mum tell you that you need a bra?

by going shopping for one (or several).

How do you tell your mum that your ready for a bra?

just be like mom, i was wondering if i could get a bra cause all my friends have one

Im nervous and want to ask your mum for a bra what do you do?

tell her that you are growing up and becoming a women and if she can help. then at the end of the conversation ask if you can borrow a bra

How do you tell your mum you want to get a padded bra?

simply just ask her, she's a girl too you know

How do you show my mum i need a bra?

This is a really difficult thing to you, you just need to be brave. I was very nervous when i first asked my mum for a bra! Just Remember your mum was once in your situation and she will understand. When i first asked my mum for a bra i said that I was feeling a bit uncomfortable and self conscious at school because i felt like the other kids could see my breasts. I also told mum that the other girls my age were wearing bras. She understood and we went and bought a bra! i was very scary for me, but it was something i needed to do. it was difficult, just like when i had to tell my mum id got my period! but she understood, don't forget it has all happened to your mum before! I hope this works out well for you!

You want to wear a bra?

How old are you ? ask you mum if you can go for a bra fitting

How do you wire an electric light?

Mainly all you have to do is tell your mum to take her bra off. You'll soon get an electrical charge in your pants.

You are 11 and i don't know how to tell your mom you think you need a cupped bra?

she is your mother and a woman too, just tell her she will understandgo to your mum and tell her u need a bra. no biggy! Hey, sometimes it ain't that easy! Sorry, had to say that. I don't know how. Thank god my MUM brought it up!Your lucky, my mum died and I had to ask my dad. At the age 10 or 11 (embarrassing)would you people shut your mouths its not that easy you dont just walk up to them and say can i get a bra so be quiet hey girl how did you tell your dad?i sed DAD plz can we go shopping he sed yh then i went ova to the bra section and sed can i av one of those

How does a nine year old girl tell her mum she wants or needs a bra?

You shouldnt be shy to tell your mom anything ! I honestly dint even have to tell my mom, she just bought me bra's! :P But i think, when you and her are alone,you should tell her this: Hey mom! I was wondering if we can go shopping to buy myself a bra, i think i need one ? And ask her what she thinks! Hope i helped you!

Mom won't let you get a bra?

talk to your mum,asking her why she wont let you. think about why you actually want a bra. to feel grown up? to look cool? if you dont have any breasts then there is no point in getting a bra. maybe you could try to reason with your mum by asking your mum if you could have a bra top instead. but honestly,you dont need one unless you have breasts.