

How do you tell your parents you wants a cell phone?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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give them facts and explain why you need one saying something like: i need one to tell time, or i need one so if I'm alone and lost, ill call, or need a ride, or need to stay in touch with people by txt

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Q: How do you tell your parents you wants a cell phone?
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yes and tell tour parents that

Convince cell phone how to parents?

You can tell them all the good things and responsibilty's of having one

How do you convince your parents you are responsible for a cell phone?

You need to show your parents how you act around a cell phone. Example, you can use your friends cell phone to "pretend" to call or text someone in front of your parents. Then, you can tell your friend that has the phone, to pretend to almost drop it, and tell them to say, "no biggy, it's just a phone." Then you will jump in and say, "that is not how to treat a phone. You need to treat it with care." Then, your parents will realize how responsible you are to care for a cell phone. Need more advice? Just ask me any question. To let you know that it is me, i will sign my name, "askCCKnow123". =D Please just ask me. Thanks.=D

What if a teenager got a cell phone without parents permission?

You can keep it secret for a while... but eventually your parents will find out. It's best to tell them.

tell me where this cell phone is at right now 4089159822?

tell me where this cell phone is right now can you please locate this cell phone

How do you maintain having a girlfriend without your parents finding out when you're twelve with no cell phone?

just ask your parents to stay after school and tell her or him to meet you.

Your parents wont let you have a cell phone how do you get them to let you one?

Make a good point! Such as " If i go out somewhere and something happens how will I contact you?" Let them know with a cell phone you can contact them easily when there's an accident or something goes wrong. Or you can make a deal with them, tell them you'll get good grades if you get a cell phone.Show them pictures of the phone and tell them what it has.

How old should you be to get your cell phone?

16i think it should be 13years old or older but i am that age and i do have one?someone should tell my parents that i should have cell phone because all my friends have one. DO IT GET ONE FOR YOUR KID

How do you beg for a cell phone?

Hey I just recently got a cell phone to! It turns out begging does not work just tell your parents that whenever they are ready to get you a cell phone that that is ok with you. Honestly cell phones seem great when all your friends have them and you don't, but once you have one you wonder what was so special about them.Im sorry if I burst your bubble.

How can you find your cell phone when your parents took it?

Well, first of all go to your parents and ask them to sit down.Then tell them that you "accidentally" broke your phone and ask if it can be replaced.If your parents are nice they will say yes, give you a shout at and then forgive you.If they are mean then you better be careful and think of a "white lie" so you don't get into too much trouble!

You really want a cell phone for Christmas but your parents won't let you how can you ask?

To tell u the truth, i realy don't think u can. Sorry.

How do you find out your billing address on your cell phone?

you can go online and type in your cell phone number and the will tell you what to do