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Q: How do you think David felt when he was abandoned in the movie Artificial Intelligence?
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Ben who is The specialist in the movie artificial intelligence?

William Hurt

When did the movie Artificial Intelligence come out?

The movie came out in 1987 i think that is what I was told.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence

Where can you find the 90's movie named 'House' where an artificial intelligence in the house named 'Decca' tries to kill the family?

The movie was on the Disney channel and it was called smart house.

Where does the phrase Hey joe what do you know?

From movie Artificial Intelligence (2001) by Steven Spielberg... jump to timeframe: (00:55:21) to see the conversation..

Dangers of artificial intelligence?

Haven't you seen the Terminator movies? iRobot? Any AI movie? Self-awareness that humans are like a virus (that line is from the Matrix).

When was Movie Review Intelligence created?

Movie Review Intelligence was created in 2009.

Does any body know a movie whose story about a biological son or a daughter who is jealous from his adapted brother or sister?

It sounds like AI: Artificial Intelligence. Good luck!

What is Artificial Intelligence movie?

A.I. is a boring movie starring Haley Joel Osment as a lifelike android who kind of develops feeelings. It is not okay for kids to watch. Another, cleaner one is the movie D.A.R.Y.L. Another one has Will Smith defeating a robot uprising.

What was the name of this movie It takes place in the future on a frozen earth One scene is where these aliens find a boy under the ice looking at a statue of a lady?

That sounds very much like the ending to 'A.I Artificial Intelligence'.

Which popular movie used artificial intelligence?

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968), in which a starship computer named HAL 9000 is capable of speech and facial recognition, natural language processing, interpreting emotions, and expressing reason.