

How do you think Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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13y ago

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She became invaluable as a guide in the region of her birth, near the Three Forks of the Missouri, and as a interpreter between the expedition and her tribe when the expedition reached that area. After she gave birth during the expedition to Jean-Baptiste Charbonneau on February 11, 1805, she also quieted the fears of other Native Americans, for no war party traveled with a woman and a small baby. She was able to translate when they met up with Shoshone-speaking Indians. She told them about some of the geography and any various animals and plants that she was familiar with.

She had been kidnapped from her own tribe and spent many years as a slave or prisoner of another Indian tribe. Once she travelled back to her own native tribal lands with Lewis and Clark, she was able to see her family for the first time in many years. It is important to remember that the entire expedition improvised practically everything as they went along, and Sacajawea and her recruitment for translating were no exception. They were (other than Sacajawea) going into the unknown, and so were entirely unprepared for many things they tried to do.

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Q: How do you think Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark?
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i think Sacajawea helped right??

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i think around the yeaR 1804 :) sweet life she had before the kidnapping and stuff

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I think Lewis and Clark would have gotten lost because they had never been in that area and no clue as to the safest way to get through the mountains. Sacagawea was their guide and she knew how to bypass mountains and avoid dangerous animals therefore keeping Lewis and Clark away from most danger giving them a safe passage to where they wanted to go.

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I think she was in her 20's maybe 26?

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This sounds like a homework question. Its your opinion. Don't ask the Internet. Do u think she would? Why or why not?

How does Sacagawea affect us today?

Sacagawea help save and direct Captains Lewis and Clark, on their expedition. They helped our country, and she helped them to do i Sacajawea did help Lewis and clark but she also did other tings she probably cooked for them and did many other things u can ook at what she has done and see that you can do many things like that to help others more. because if u didnt help that your friends or familie may think u have a problame with doing things for other and think you are not responsibale for anything like baby sitting or other things

Information about Sacagawea's childhood?

She was Kidnapped when she was i think 12 i am not sure. But of course she helped out Lewis and clark and translated for them but definitly check out Google and wikipedia. Most of the time i wouldn't trust the homw made websites just in case you could never be to sure She was Kidnapped when she was i think 12 i am not sure. But of course she helped out Lewis and clark and translated for them but definitly check out Google and wikipedia. Most of the time i wouldn't trust the homw made websites just in case you could never be to sure She was Kidnapped when she was i think 12 i am not sure. But of course she helped out Lewis and clark and translated for them but definitly check out Google and wikipedia. Most of the time i wouldn't trust the homw made websites just in case you could never be to sure

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I think you are asking about their native guide, Sacagawea.

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Sacagawea, Shoshone Native American woman, acted as translator and guide for the Lewis and Clark Expedition in 1805 and 1806. She is generally credited with leading the expedition over the rockies.Another View:The expression 'led' in relation to exploration expeditions in normal language refers to the expedition leaders, not the guides.So the answer is Lewis and Clark.