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the cell's shape helps it do its job because all of the organelles in the cell need all of the space they can get to have room to do jobs and such

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i dont know ahahahahahahahahaha

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Q: How do you think each cell's shape helps it do its job?
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No. Nerve cells (neurons), for example, are very different in size and shape than epithelial or muscle cells. And don't forget the hen's egg and ostrich egg, each of which is a single cell.

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Hemoglobin in red blood cells binds to oxygen molecules, allowing for efficient transport of oxygen throughout the body. Red blood cells have a biconcave shape, which increases their surface area for oxygen exchange and allows them to easily deform and pass through narrow blood vessels. The absence of a nucleus in mature red blood cells maximizes their hemoglobin content, enhancing their oxygen-carrying capacity.

How is a cell's shape and size related to it's function?

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What is each rod in a cells DNA called?

I think it's a chromatid.