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what I usually do is I go on the internet and i types in : "what are some good jokes?" and some good jokes will most deffenitly come up. hope this helps you little buddy.

p.s. sometimes you can just think of good jokes (that you made up) on the top of your head.

Example: what did the mother beaver say to the baby beaver when he cam home? Shut the dam door !

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How to; write, tell and, take jokes and also how to communicate with people , make sure your jokes arent cheesy , you also need the opinions of your friends , if they say that your funny go for it , if they dont think its a good idea find something else you think your good at

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Jokes yes, good jokes no!. you are stupid and need a life. you are asking if there are good jokes about pi? wtf Your momma is so fat, when i said what's pi? she said wheres the pie? haha -_-

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Inside jokes are personal jokes between friends that only those people can understand.

Where can you find good jokes at?

youtube. just tpe in yo mama jokes or just jokes;)- by chidiebere chike udeagha

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It is theyre opinion if they think jokes are funny.