

How do you train your cat?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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βˆ™ 13y ago

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Give your cat treats when he/she does something right and completely ignore them when he/she does something bad, or remove them from the room for a while.

An example to give your cat a treat would be when he/she is being gentle, or responds to your voice in a positive way. A reason to ignore your cat is when the cat bites, or is playing too roughly. Cats love attention and will learn that certain behaviours will get it ignored, so have much less incentive to do these things, and will behave in ways that it knows will get it attention. If a cat is in a place it shouldn't be, simply remove them from the room, or if they respond well to their name, call them and give them a treat for responding.

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

One View on Training Cats

It is very hard to but you can train them to do simple procedures such as going to the restroom in a specialized area, eat, and scratch at certain areas. But no true tricks!Another View on Training Cats

The 1st answer is not completely wrong but it is not correct, either. It's a very common notion about cats.

Cats can be trained to do many things. They do not take to training the way some breeds of dog do, but that does not mean they cannot be trained. Cats can learn to fetch, do tricks and follow commands. Cats do not respond well to strong arm tactics or force (no animal does, but some are more tolerant of force than cats). The way to train a cat is by consistent repetition and positive reinforcement. Some cats will enjoy learning new games and commands while others will not be as interested. It is up to the trainer to make learning fun and keep it interesting. Cats do best if they see that there is real benefit to them for doing the requested task. They are intelligent animals and do not appreciate being asked to do the same task repeatedly (once it's been learned) -- they will realize there is no point and tend to walk away.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

yes they can! you just have to train your cat like you would train a dog. if you want to know how to train a dog, watch the program 'its me or the dog' on animal planet. Victoria stilwell trains dogs really well! so the same principals apply.

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Marlee Robinson

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βˆ™ 3y ago

yes it is indeed possible to train a cat i have tested that theory myself i am currently training my kitten and she is doing really good i have toilet trained her and i have leash trained her but those are the major ones

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chade groleau

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βˆ™ 3y ago

Domestic companions always been a part of our life. Weither your a cat person or a dog person, you'll always find a companion that fits you just right. But what if that companion were to developp bad habits? You would keep on loving him, of course, but it would add unnecessary pressure to your life. If you have anymore question, feel free to e-mail me at felinefriendlyy@ gmail .com, i'll also be able to send you more article about pet's behaviour.

Have a good day!

What to do then? Don't worry, here's a list of tips and tricks that will help you rectify your companion behaviour.

  1. Be calm & gentle. Cats and dogs are litterally copycat of your own behaviour.

  2. Be present. Some behaviours are a result of too much solitude.

  3. Make good things happens. Reward them. If you ground them when they have a bad behaviour you also have to cheer them when they have a good one.

  4. Give them affection. Your companion doesn't need to be loved and petted 24h/7, but when he does, don't ignore it. In most case, you are his/her everything.

  5. Teach your companion commands and tricks.

  6. Talk to your companion.

  7. Gently and gradually accustom your companion.

  8. Cuddles are wonderful, but make time for playtime too. Your companion needs some stimulation everyday. If you go depressive after a week without sport, then so does your companion.

  9. Reward your pet's attention.

  10. If your cat is extremely shy or scared, go slow. This one's self explanatory. Go at his rythm.

  11. Pheromones are you and your cat’s new best friend. If none of thoses technics above worked, you might want to check-out synthetic pheromone. They will regulate your companion emotions. Helping the both of you achieveing a better relation.

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chade groleau

Lvl 2
βˆ™ 3y ago

Domestic companions always been a part of our life. Weither your a cat person or a dog person, you'll always find a companion that fits you just right. But what if that companion were to developp bad habits? You would keep on loving him, of course, but it would add unnecessary pressure to your life. If you have anymore question, feel free to e-mail me at felinefriendlyy@ gmail .com, i'll also be able to send you more article about pet's behaviour.

Have a good day!

What to do then? Don't worry, here's a list of tips and tricks that will help you rectify your companion behaviour.

Be calm & gentle. Cats and dogs are litterally copycat of your own behaviour.

Be present. Some behaviours are a result of too much solitude.

Make good things happens. Reward them. If you ground them when they have a bad behaviour you also have to cheer them when they have a good one.

Give them affection. Your companion doesn't need to be loved and petted 24h/7, but when he does, don't ignore it. In most case, you are his/her everything.

Teach your companion commands and tricks.

Talk to your companion.

Gently and gradually accustom your companion.

Cuddles are wonderful, but make time for playtime too. Your companion needs some stimulation everyday. If you go depressive after a week without sport, then so does your companion.

Reward your pet's attention.

If your cat is extremely shy or scared, go slow. This one's self explanatory. Go at his rythm.

Pheromones are you and your cat’s new best friend. If none of thoses technics above worked, you might want to check-out synthetic pheromone. They will regulate your companion emotions. Helping the both of you achieveing a better relation.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Let your cat do what it wants to do, and don't try to stress it into doing things.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Yes you can.

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How do you train a cat?

if you want to train a cat, you would do the same thing that you would do to train a dog, but you would need more patience, time, and persistence. dont give your cat the treat unless they did the right thing. if you give your cat the treat when it did the wrong behavior, then you are reinforcing that behavior that you didnt want them to do. so if you want to train a cat, you have to be patient.A cat (unlike a dog) is notorious for being impossible to train. Some cats may appear to be trainable (to a basic limit), but not if they don't want to do something! My wife once shouted at our cat, and for the rest of the day, the cat would turn her back on my wife!

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by training the dog to like the cat :)

Is it impossible to train a cat?

no. you just have to be patient.

What is the perfect cat for someone who doesn't like cats who shed alotAlso it would have to be easy to train and be cuteOK?

A Persian cat is the perfect house cat because it is lazy, cute and is easy to train.

How does a cat train its young?

A mother cat will train its young by doing normal cat like things such as, catching prew and eating it, playing and walking, to pouncing and playing! The kittens simmply repeat what the mother cat has done or is doing.

How long does it take to train a cat to go through a cat door?

Depends on the age of the cat, and the vigor of the training.

How do you train your cat to not poop in his cat carrier?

Maybe get a litterbox or a box and put it in the crate?

What is the loyalist cat breed?

No particular cat breed can be referred to as loyalist. All cat breeds are the same, it depends with how you train them.

How do you train your cat to play poker?

Practice with them everyday.

Why train a cat?

I'm going to assume your question is: "why should you train your cat?" Well, a lot of people think that you can't train a cat, and that if you want to have a pet you can train, you should get a dog. That is absolutely incorrect! It is true that, with some cats, it is very difficult to get them to do what you want, but with hard work and perseverance, you can get a cat or a dog to perform a certain trick.I admit that some cat are simply just stubborn, but in most cases--if there's enough of a reward once the trick has been performed--the cat will be happy to do what you tell it to do. As long as you don't get frustrated or angry--which will have the opposite effect--you will have a trained cat before you know it!