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Dogs like to sniff and mark their territory and most dogs are extremely clean and prefer a clean area to do their business on. If you want to contain it use a doggy run (I have one) and the rest of the backyard is used so they can play. When it comes time to mow the grass I only have to clean up the doggy run.

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17y ago
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14y ago

It is only natural that dogs poop in grass and dirt. Our dogs pooped in the back half of our yard and nowhere else. Dog owners must sometimes sacrifice their prized lawns to their dogs. Such is life.

HOWEVER, I recently stumbled upon a way to train my dog to use one area of the yard. We've had this dog for eight years and have tried the techniques that advise spraying vinegar (or other chemicals) on the area of the yard we do not want the dog to defecate on, or moving some of her poop to the area where we do want her to go. Nothing worked. Recently, however, we heard coyotes just behind our back fence. Since we were going out of town and a neighbor was going to care for our dog we were concerned for her safety. Having seen the PBS special where the man who went to the arctic to study wolves marked his territory around his tent by drinking several pots of coffee and urinating along the border he wished to create, I decided to mark my territory along the back fence by collecting my urine and pouring it along the fence line to, hopefully, discourage the coyotes. Not only does this appear to have had the desired result of discouraging the coyotes, another bonus is that -- since I am "alpha" -- my dog has decided to move her potty spot there as well!

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15y ago

In general it is not wise for pet dogs do be outdoors-only; dogs in that situation often lack socialization with humans that results in aggressive tendencies. Thus, if possible, I do not recommend having an outdoors-only dog.

That said, you can train a dog to eliminate in a certain spot by using clicker training and treats. Get a professional trainer or check out a library book on positive training and clicker training, and then you'll use that technique to eventually train your dog to regard a certain area of his space outside as more desirable for poop elimination than elsewhere.

However, that will work ONLY if you clean up the poop daily. No dog will poop in an area that already has poop in it. (Would you?)

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12y ago

Well, 1 spot is a lot to ask but if you take some flags, cones, or something to mark off a 5 foot area in your backyard, then you can teach him to only go in there. When it is time to take your dog outside to go to the bathroom Take him directly to that area and don't let him leave until the uses the restroom. Then let him go. Remember to always do this until your dog goes there him self. But you still need to take your dog on daily walks for exercise. Also, I don't recommend keeping your dog as an outside only dog. Dogs are pack animals, not loners so it really messes with them to not be living with you. It can also cause depression and behavior issues like aggression to people. Please try to come up with a way where your dog can come inside.

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14y ago

You take him on a leash and make him go there a couple times and he should smell it and know where to go.

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16y ago

using puppy pads seem too work

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