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I've told I am very good with animals. I can tell you that I've been able to gain the trust of wild animals, and other people's pets usually don't want to go back to their masters when I'm around! So I guess I'm qualified to answer this question!

This is what I would do.

For one thing, don't force your rat to let you hold him. This will make him/her definitely not trust you! Trust is very important! Put something you've worn in the cage so he/she can get used to your scent and associate that scent with safety. Make sure s/he knows you are the one providing food. Let them get used to your presence by spending time near his cage. Don't do things like tap of the cage. This will only frighten him/her.

After doing this for a while (a couple of weeks atleast), take the rat out of the cage for short periods of time. Talk softly to your rat, be calm.

After a while, your rat will start to feel safe around you. This may take a long time and requires a lot of patience! If your rat begins to get scared, put him back in the cage where he feels safe. Don't push him.

I've just recently gained the trust of some wild cats where I live. This has taken a year! They hand out at my house now. Some of them let me pet them and even come into my house. I have never chased them or forced them to do anything!

Another thing, put yourself in your rats position. He's obviously not used to you. He may not be used to people at all. Fear of people is an instinct of survival for him as it is for most animals. For them, we are their natural predators and they are our prey. This may take a long time to overcome.

Hope this helps!

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