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The answer to this question varies depending on the level of license you currently hold. Assuming you have a G license, you simply need to visit the local licensing office in Quebec with proper ID and proof of your address. In some locations, an appointment may be necessary.

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Q: How do you transfer a license from Ontario to Quebec?
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You have unpaid fines in Quebec and you are moving to Ontario can you trasfer your license from Quebec to Ontario?

It depends if Quebec has already suspended you for unpaid fines or if your license is still valid?If you're suspended, Ontario will see that your license is not valid and ask you to come back when it is, in order to exchange it.If you have unpaid fines but have not yet gotten suspended, quickly change your license and you should be fine to drive in Ontario. That won't stop Quebec from suspending your right to drive, even on your Ontario license, in their province. Your file remains in Quebec for life and they suspend "your person" or your old license file, from driving in Quebec. Furtheremore, if you are driving a car plated in Quebec that is plated in your name, it is not valid to be driven anywhere that has a reciprocal agreement (this therefore includes in Ontario) with Quebec, as Quebec suspends your right to drive as well as your right to drive any vehicles in your name.I recently was impounded for driving with a valid Ontario license in the province of Quebec, all because my car was not allowed to be driven anywhere until the fine was paid.It isn't fun. Lastly, even if you exchange your license, the next step Quebec will set in motion is the seizure of your belongings where your old Quebec license was registered. It doesnt' matter if the address on file is a friends or your own, they will seize whatever they want, in the house, and then it is up to your friend or family member to prove that the belongings were owned by them. Also, once a baliff goes to your door, the fines double and even triple, for the baliif fees are enormous.Good luck. Your best bet is not to try to beat the government and just pay the fine. trust me.

Which province is east of Ontario?

Quebec is east of Ontario.

What is the capitals of Ontario and Quebec?

The capital city of Ontario is Toronto. Quebec's capital city is Quebec City.

Does Montreal have Toronto and Ontario in it?

No. Montreal is a city in Quebec. Toronto is a city in Ontario. Quebec and Ontario are provinces of Canada.

Why are quebec and ontario called the core provinces?

the quebec and Ontario considered Canada's heartland is in southern quebec and southern Ontario which is closer to the border of the uinted states.

What has a greater population Quebec or Ontario?

No Ontario is close to the United States and Quebec is higher

What is the Core Province of Canada and its beliefs?

are quebec and Ontario beliefs i don't know are quebec and Ontario beliefs i don't know are quebec and Ontario beliefs i don't know

Great Lake and St Lawrence Provinces?

Please rephrase - the question is unclear.

In what provinces are Montreal QuebecTorontoVancouverand Ottawa located?

Montreal - Quebec Quebec - Quebec Toronto - Ontario Vancouver - British Columbia Ottawa - Ontario

What is further north bancroft Ontario or Quebec City Quebec?

quebec city

Where are The Great Lakes located a in Ontario b in Quebec c inOntario and Manitoba d in Ontario and Quebec?

I choose: e) Ontario and the States.

Which province has the most bilingual Canadian?
