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Try transferring the video from your computer to a Photobucket account first, then to the piczo. That way it's more of a link than storing the video into your account.

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Q: How do you transfer a video from a digital camera to a Piczo website?
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Related questions

Is piczo a website?

A: Yes. Piczo is a website that allows you to make your own websites. The sites that you make, are free!

How can you put an MP3 on a Piczo website?

If you go to the Piczo site click on piczo pros. It will give you a list of helping piczo sites where you wil find out.

What is the best piczo website?

The best PICZO by far is vejc.piczo. She is a really website designer, but she has moved to vejc-design she's really great help. She has loads of tutorials on piczo and loads more stuff!

What does it mean on piczo that you have illegal characters in your website?

it means that you have periods or backslashes in it, just write in the name you want your website to be, and piczo will fill in the rest!!

Does Demi Lovato have a Piczo Website?

Yes she does

Can you make a new website on piczo?

Yes you can.

Whats the best piczo website?

The best site has to be one called great layout all used from piczo stuff.

Does allie dimeco have website?

No, not an official website but she does have bebo, piczo, myspace, twitter & youtube

How can you put internet pictures on a piczo website?

hope this helped

What can users complete on the website Piczo?

Piczo is a website founded in 2003 which allowed users, mainly teenagers, to post blogs. It was begun by Jim Conning and remained online until November 2012.

How old do you need to be to make a website?

it doesnt matter! just find the right one for you! some are for kids. some are for adults. some are for both, like piczo! i have a piczo website and i`m 8 years old.

How do you let everybody see your piczo website not just your friends?

Make it public