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It really depends on how deep the bite is. If the bite in not major and extremely deep you could apply salty water to the wound. But MAKE SURE IT DOES NOT GET INFECTED!

It would probably be best to consult a vet.

If it is bleeding find some cobwebs and put it on the bite.After add either marigold or golden rod to stop infection. Then maybe a couple of poppy seeds if u have them to ease the pain. That's all I really have for you!

Rocky's answer: Exactly what I would have said about the natural stuff. Yes, use cobwebs if bleeding. If it were an animal bite, use Marigold. Pick some leaves and chew them. Not crush, chew. They apply to the wound. If it manages to get infected and is swollen, it is best to use Burdock root. The cat would be limping if it does get swollen and if it is on the cat's leg or arm, so make sure it gets more sleep. Chew up bramble twigs until it is a fine syrup and feed it to the cat. This will help it sleep. When the cat wakes up, or is about to fall asleep, make sure it eats at least 5 poppy seeds each time. Try and see the ingredients and be sure to feed it any organic herbs. Hope this helps. ~Rocky

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That's simple! You treat cats with respect, love, care, understanding. Pretty much like you`d treat a serious child!

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Cats instinctively know how to bite there is no need to help them to do so.

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Q: How do you treat a cat bite on a cat?
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How does a vet treat a cat bite to a dog?

A cat bite on a dog is treated by a vet according to the severity of the bite. The dog could only require the wound to be cleaned. The vet may prescribe antibiotics as a precaution to prevent any related illnesses that may occur. Normally a dog would not require stitches from a cat bite. The vet would determine the medical needs of the dog.

Is cat Bite dangerous?

Not unless the dog had rabies or the bite was to a fatal spot, such as the neck. Also be aware that a dog bite to a cat can cause an internal infection. The bite may not fester or abcess on the skin, but the infection could become systemic internally. I know this as my beloved cat died this morning after being diagnosed by a veterinarian that a healed bite punctured her lung and introduced bacteria. If your cat loses weight, is not as playful, and more lethargic following a dog bite--even weeks after the fact, there may be an internal infection that is deadly without early treatment.

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well, cats have eaten many different things that cause their teeth to be unclean. Therefore, you should only wash the bite with soap and warm water to prevent the bite from getting infected.

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