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Squeeze and milk the wound to make it bleed. If, after that, it becomes infected within a day, see your doctor. You should keep the gerbil so it can be examined for rabies and you will probably need a tetanus shot. Somebody offered the attached link after I posted this answer.

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Q: How do you treat a deep gerbil bite?
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How do you teach your gerbils gerbil agility?

you get a treat and make the gerbil follow it and eventually it will learn to do the course for a treat

Are gerbils nice?

It depends how you treat them. If you treat them nicely then they will probably be nice to you, but if you are mean to them than they will probably bite you or run away from you. Most of the time it depends on how you treat them but sometimes you can accidentally chose a gerbil with a bad attitude then it will always be mean to you.

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depends on how bad it is but ud clean it and put anteseptic on it if its deep go to the doctor.just like any other bite.

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She has a gerbil called Gerry.The gerbil nibbled on the treat.

How can I pick up my gerbil?

by its tail or if the gerbil is calm u can just pic it up by its sides it wont bite

How does a gerbil protect itself?

A gerbil will protect itself by biting the attacker. Sometimes a bite can draw blood.

Can gerbil eat cake?

No! Anything with sugar will make a gerbil ill! Instead of sugar their favorite treat is a sunflower seed.

How do you treat a respiratory infection in a gerbil?

You need to take your gerbil to a vet who works with exotic animals so you can get the right antibiotic.

How can you treat a tarantula bite?

u treat it by rubbin ice on ya bite fools

Are Gerbil friendly?

gerbils are nice and if you treat them nice they will become your friend

What is the treatment of relapse of deep bite?

For deep bite relapse, go to your dentist and freaking get braces again,

How do you treat a baby gerbil which has the runs?

Take away any treats and just give it normal gerbil food. If the runs keeps going on take it to the vet.