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you put anti cream on it and if it dont work you go the doctor

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Q: How do you treat nail fungus?
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What are the different ways to treat toe nail fungus to completely get rid of the pain?

Long term treatment (meaning 3-4 months) with oral medications is best for those people that are at risk of complications because of their toe nail fungus. There are also topical medications, home remedies and alternative medications that can also help treat toe nail fungus.

What is the best way to treat toe nail fungus?

The best way to treat toe nail fungus is with pure lemon juice and some lavender or echinacea oil. Using lemon juice and the mint Vapor Rub will also work as well. Alternatively, you can go to a podiatrist (a foot specialist) to seek medical treatment.

Does he have a nail fungus condition?

Take care of your nail fungus! It will infect other fingers if you continue to allow it to live! Fungus can take months to get rid of, yet there are many home remedies for nail fungus which do work. You can use vicks, listerine, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar to name a few. It can also very easily spread to other toenails or fingernails. Once fungus has cleared up, continue to use your choses fungus remedy to make sure it does not return.

How rigorous is nail fungus treatment?

Nail fungus treatment does not have to be rigorous or even painful. You can either be treated for nail fungus by oral medication, a special polish to get rid of the fungus, other topical medications, or only in extreme cases by surgery. Oral medications are the most common treatments for nail fungus. However, depending on the severity of the fungus you may be eligible for surgery, which removes the nail completely allowing it to grow back new.

Can erythromycin ophthalmic ointment be user for nail fungus?

You can use Erythromycin Opthalmic Ointment USP on a horse. It is used to treat eye infections in humans but can be used on a horse.

Ketoconazol tablets 200mg what's the dosage to treat nail fungus?

i think 200mg to 400mg once daily for 3 months, it depend on the case

Fungus eating at skin around nail bed?

Go to your doctor! He can prescribe an oral fungicide for you. Nothing else will treat it and it can get very painful if not treated.

Why do nail ridges turn black?

This may be due to the reason that your toe nail is at the verge of getting affected by the fungus and hence you will have to undergo natural toe nail fungus treatment.

Toe nail fungus?

Toenail fungus is caused by a group of fungus. Toe nail fungus causes disfiguration and discoloration of the nails. The affected nail becomes yellow or brown in colour. The nail could fall off or crumble easily. To prevent yourself from toe nail fungus keep your feet and nails clean. Wear cotton socks to absorb the moisture from your feet. Always keep your nails clean and trim them after they grow.

What will totally disinfect nail clippers after someone with toenail fungus has used them?

it will give whoever uses them next nail fungus isn't it obvious!!!!

Does Cheryl Cole have nail fungus?

No she doesn't.

Can toenail fungus live in nail polish?

Yes! A toenail fungus can live between the nail and the polish. Also, the polish should definitely be discarded after use on infected nails. You can pick up a bottle of nail fungus remover over the counter at most pharmacies. You will be better off to keep polish of your nails until the fungus is gone. (I learned this while in college for Nail Technology).